
Class: Mongo::Cluster::Topology::ReplicaSetWithPrimary

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ReplicaSetNoPrimary, Base, Forwardable
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Mongo::Cluster::Topology::ReplicaSetNoPrimary
Defined in: lib/mongo/cluster/topology/replica_set_with_primary.rb


Defines behavior when a cluster is in replica set topology, and is a no primary which has been discovered by the driver.


  • 2.7.0

Constant Summary

::Mongo::Loggable - Included


ReplicaSetNoPrimary - Inherited


Class Method Summary

Base - Inherited


Initialize the topology with the options.

Instance Attribute Summary

ReplicaSetNoPrimary - Inherited


A replica set topology is a replica set.


A replica set topology is not sharded.


A replica set topology is not single.


A replica set topology is not unknown.

Base - Inherited

::Mongo::Monitoring::Publishable - Included

Instance Method Summary

ReplicaSetNoPrimary - Inherited


Get the display name.


Determine if the topology would select a readable server for the provided candidates and read preference.


Determine if the topology would select a writable server for the provided candidates.


Select appropriate servers for this topology.

#summary, #validate_options

Base - Inherited


The largest electionId ever reported by a primary.


The largest setVersion ever reported by a primary.

#new_max_election_id, #new_max_set_version,

Get the replica set name configured for this topology.


Compares each server address against the list of patterns.


Validates and/or transforms options as necessary for the topology.

::Mongo::Monitoring::Publishable - Included

::Mongo::Loggable - Included


Convenience method to log debug messages with the standard prefix.


Convenience method to log error messages with the standard prefix.


Convenience method to log fatal messages with the standard prefix.


Convenience method to log info messages with the standard prefix.


Convenience method to log warn messages with the standard prefix.


Get the logger instance.

#_mongo_log_prefix, #format_message