
Module: Mongo::BackgroundThread Private

Do not use. This module is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Included In:
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
self, Loggable
Defined in: lib/mongo/background_thread.rb



Do not start or stop background threads in finalizers. See jira.mongodb.org/browse/RUBY-2453 and bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16288. When interpreter exits, background threads are stopped first and finalizers are invoked next, and MRI’s internal data structures are basically corrupt at this point if threads are being referenced. Prior to interpreter shutdown this means threads cannot be stopped by objects going out of scope, but most likely the threads hold references to said objects anyway if work is being performed thus the objects wouldn’t go out of scope in the first place.

The run!, running? and stop! methods used to be part of the public API in some of the classes which now include this module. Therefore these methods must be considered part of the driver’s public API for backwards compatibility reasons. However using these methods outside of the driver is deprecated.

Constant Summary

Loggable - Included


Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

  • #run! (also: #restart!)

    Start the background thread.

  • #stop! ⇒ true | false

    Stop the background thread and wait for to terminate for a reasonable amount of time.

  • #do_work private Internal use only

    Override this method to do the work in the background thread.

  • #pre_stop private Internal use only

    Override this method to perform additional signaling for the background thread to stop.

  • #start! private Internal use only
  • #wait_for_stop private Internal use only

    Waits for the thread to die, with a timeout.

Loggable - Included


Convenience method to log debug messages with the standard prefix.


Convenience method to log error messages with the standard prefix.


Convenience method to log fatal messages with the standard prefix.


Convenience method to log info messages with the standard prefix.


Convenience method to log warn messages with the standard prefix.


Get the logger instance.

#_mongo_log_prefix, #format_message

Instance Attribute Details

#running?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongo/background_thread.rb', line 63

def running?
  if @thread

Instance Method Details

#do_work (private)

Override this method to do the work in the background thread.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongo/background_thread.rb', line 165

def do_work

#pre_stop (private)

Override this method to perform additional signaling for the background thread to stop.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongo/background_thread.rb', line 170

def pre_stop

#run! Also known as: #restart!

Start the background thread.

If the thread is already running, this method does nothing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongo/background_thread.rb', line 46

def run!
  if @stop_requested && @thread
    if @thread.alive?
      log_warn("Starting a new background thread in #{self}, but the previous background thread is still running")
      @thread = nil
    @stop_requested = false
  if running?

#start! (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongo/background_thread.rb', line 111

def start!
  @thread = Thread.new do
    catch(:done) do
      until @stop_requested

#stop!true | false

Stop the background thread and wait for to terminate for a reasonable amount of time.


  • (true | false)

    Whether the thread was terminated.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongo/background_thread.rb', line 77

def stop!
  # If the thread was not started, there is nothing to stop.
  # Classes including this module may want to perform additional
  # cleanup, which they can do by overriding this method.
  return true unless @thread

  # Background threads generally perform operations in a loop.
  # This flag is meant to be checked on each iteration of the
  # working loops and the thread should stop working when this flag
  # is set.
  @stop_requested = true

  # Besides setting the flag, a particular class may have additional
  # ways of signaling the background thread to either stop working or
  # wake up to check the stop flag, for example, setting a semaphore.
  # This can be accomplished by providing the pre_stop method.

  # Now we have requested the graceful termination, and we could wait
  # for the thread to exit on its own accord. A future version of the
  # driver may allow a certain amount of time for the thread to quit.
  # For now, we additionally use the Ruby machinery to request the thread
  # be terminated, and do so immediately.
  # Note that this may cause the background thread to terminate in
  # the middle of an operation.


#wait_for_stop (private)

Waits for the thread to die, with a timeout.

Returns true if the thread died, false otherwise.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongo/background_thread.rb', line 124

def wait_for_stop
  # Wait for the thread to die. This is important in order to reliably
  # clean up resources like connections knowing that no background
  # thread will reconnect because it is still working.
  # However, we do not want to wait indefinitely because in theory
  # a background thread could be performing, say, network I/O and if
  # the network is no longer available that could take a long time.
  start_time = Utils.monotonic_time
  ([0.1, 0.15] + [0.2] * 5 + [0.3] * 20).each do |interval|
      Timeout.timeout(interval) do
    rescue ::Timeout::Error

  # Some driver objects can be reconnected, for backwards compatibiilty
  # reasons. Clear the thread instance variable to support this cleanly.
  if @thread.alive?
    log_warn("Failed to stop the background thread in #{self} in #{(Utils.monotonic_time - start_time).to_i} seconds: #{@thread.inspect} (thread status: #{@thread.status})")
    # On JRuby the thread may be stuck in aborting state
    # seemingly indefinitely. If the thread is aborting, consider it dead
    # for our purposes (we will create a new thread if needed, and
    # the background thread monitor will not detect the aborting thread
    # as being alive).
    if @thread.status == 'aborting'
      @thread = nil
      @stop_requested = false
    @thread = nil
    @stop_requested = false