
Class: LibXML::XML::Reader

Relationships & Source Files
Inherits: Object
Defined in: ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c,


The Reader class provides a simpler, alternative way of parsing an ::LibXML::XML document in contrast to Parser or SaxParser. A Reader instance acts like a cursor going forward in a document stream, stopping at each node it encounters. To advance to the next node, simply cadd #read.

The Reader API closely matches the DOM Core specification and supports namespaces, xml:base, entity handling and DTDs.

To summarize, Reader provides a far simpler API to use versus SaxParser and is more memory efficient than using Parser to create a DOM tree.


reader = XML::Reader.string("<foo><bar>1</bar><bar>2</bar><bar>3</bar></foo>")
assert_equal('foo', reader.name)

3.times do |i|
  assert_equal(XML::Reader::TYPE_ELEMENT, reader.node_type)
  assert_equal('bar', reader.name)
  assert_equal(XML::Reader::TYPE_TEXT, reader.node_type)
  assert_equal((i + 1).to_s, reader.value)
  assert_equal(XML::Reader::TYPE_END_ELEMENT, reader.node_type)

You can also parse documents (see .document), strings (see Parser.string) and io objects (see Parser.io).

For a more in depth tutorial, albeit in C, see xmlsoft.org/xmlreader.html.

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Details

XML::Reader.document(doc) ⇒ Reader

Create an new reader for the specified document.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 93

VALUE rxml_reader_document(VALUE klass, VALUE doc)
  xmlDocPtr xdoc;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader;

  Data_Get_Struct(doc, xmlDoc, xdoc);

  xreader = xmlReaderWalker(xdoc);

  if (xreader == NULL)

  return rxml_reader_wrap(xreader);

XML::Reader.file(path) ⇒ Reader XML::Reader.file(path, :encoding) ⇒ XML::Encoding::UTF_8

Creates a new reader by parsing the specified file or uri.

You may provide an optional hash table to control how the parsing is performed. Valid options are:

encoding - The document encoding, defaults to nil. Valid values
           are the encoding constants defined on XML::Encoding.
options - Controls the execution of the parser, defaults to 0.
          Valid values are the constants defined on
          XML::Parser::Options.  Mutliple options can be combined
          by using Bitwise OR (|).
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 125

static VALUE rxml_reader_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
  VALUE path;
  VALUE options;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &path, &options);
  Check_Type(path, T_STRING);

  const char* xencoding = NULL;
  int xoptions = 0;

  if (!NIL_P(options))
    Check_Type(options, T_HASH);

    VALUE encoding = rb_hash_aref(options, BASE_URI_SYMBOL);
    xencoding = NIL_P(encoding) ? NULL : xmlGetCharEncodingName(NUM2INT(encoding));

    VALUE parserOptions = rb_hash_aref(options, OPTIONS_SYMBOL);
    xoptions = NIL_P(parserOptions) ? 0 : NUM2INT(parserOptions);

  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = xmlReaderForFile(StringValueCStr(path), xencoding, xoptions);

  // Unfortunately libxml2 does not set xmlLastError and just returns a null reader
  if (xreader == NULL)
    rb_syserr_fail(ENOENT, StringValueCStr(path));

  return rxml_reader_wrap(xreader);

XML::Reader.io(io) ⇒ Reader XML::Reader.io(io, :encoding) ⇒ XML::Encoding::UTF_8

Creates a new reader by parsing the specified io object.

You may provide an optional hash table to control how the parsing is performed. Valid options are:

base_uri - The base url for the parsed document.
encoding - The document encoding, defaults to nil. Valid values
           are the encoding constants defined on XML::Encoding.
options - Controls the execution of the parser, defaults to 0.
          Valid values are the constants defined on
          XML::Parser::Options.  Mutliple options can be combined
          by using Bitwise OR (|).
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 174

static VALUE rxml_reader_io(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader;
  VALUE result;
  VALUE io;
  VALUE options;
  char *xbaseurl = NULL;
  const char *xencoding = NULL;
  int xoptions = 0;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &io, &options);

  if (!NIL_P(options))
    VALUE baseurl = Qnil;
    VALUE encoding = Qnil;
    VALUE parserOptions = Qnil;

    Check_Type(options, T_HASH);

    baseurl = rb_hash_aref(options, BASE_URI_SYMBOL);
    xbaseurl = NIL_P(baseurl) ? NULL : StringValueCStr(baseurl);

    encoding = rb_hash_aref(options, ENCODING_SYMBOL);
    xencoding = NIL_P(encoding) ? NULL : xmlGetCharEncodingName(NUM2INT(encoding));

    parserOptions = rb_hash_aref(options, OPTIONS_SYMBOL);
    xoptions = NIL_P(parserOptions) ? 0 : NUM2INT(parserOptions);
  xreader = xmlReaderForIO((xmlInputReadCallback) rxml_read_callback, NULL,
                           (void *) io, 
                           xbaseurl, xencoding, xoptions);

  if (xreader == NULL)

  result = rxml_reader_wrap(xreader);

  /* Attach io object to parser so it won't get freed.*/
  rb_ivar_set(result, IO_ATTR, io);

  return result;

XML::Reader.string(io) ⇒ Reader XML::Reader.string(io, :encoding) ⇒ XML::Encoding::UTF_8

Creates a new reader by parsing the specified string.

You may provide an optional hash table to control how the parsing is performed. Valid options are:

base_uri - The base url for the parsed document.
encoding - The document encoding, defaults to nil. Valid values
           are the encoding constants defined on XML::Encoding.
options - Controls the execution of the parser, defaults to 0.
          Valid values are the constants defined on
          XML::Parser::Options.  Mutliple options can be combined
          by using Bitwise OR (|).
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 237

static VALUE rxml_reader_string(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader;
  VALUE string;
  VALUE options;
  char *xbaseurl = NULL;
  const char *xencoding = NULL;
  int xoptions = 0;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &string, &options);
  Check_Type(string, T_STRING);

  if (!NIL_P(options))
    VALUE baseurl = Qnil;
    VALUE encoding = Qnil;
    VALUE parserOptions = Qnil;

    Check_Type(options, T_HASH);

    baseurl = rb_hash_aref(options, BASE_URI_SYMBOL);
    xbaseurl = NIL_P(baseurl) ? NULL : StringValueCStr(baseurl);

    encoding = rb_hash_aref(options, ENCODING_SYMBOL);
    xencoding = NIL_P(encoding) ? NULL : xmlGetCharEncodingName(NUM2INT(encoding));
    parserOptions = rb_hash_aref(options, OPTIONS_SYMBOL);
    xoptions = NIL_P(parserOptions) ? 0 : NUM2INT(parserOptions);
  xreader = xmlReaderForMemory(StringValueCStr(string), (int)RSTRING_LEN(string),
                               xbaseurl, xencoding, xoptions);

  if (xreader == NULL)

  return rxml_reader_wrap(xreader);

Instance Attribute Details

#default?Boolean (readonly)

Return whether an Attribute node was generated from the default value defined in the DTD or schema.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 1089

static VALUE rxml_reader_default(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return xmlTextReaderIsDefault(xreader) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

#empty_element?Boolean (readonly)

Check if the current node is empty.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 1114

static VALUE rxml_reader_empty_element(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(xreader) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

#has_attributes?Boolean (readonly)

Get whether the node has attributes.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 845

static VALUE rxml_reader_has_attributes(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return xmlTextReaderHasAttributes(xreader) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

#has_value?Boolean (readonly)

Get whether the node can have a text value.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 857

static VALUE rxml_reader_has_value(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return xmlTextReaderHasValue(xreader) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

#namespace_declaration?Boolean (readonly)

Determine whether the current node is a namespace declaration rather than a regular attribute.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 1102

static VALUE rxml_reader_namespace_declaration(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return xmlTextReaderIsNamespaceDecl(xreader) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

#valid?Boolean (readonly)

Retrieve the validity status from the parser context.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 1126

static VALUE rxml_reader_valid(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return xmlTextReaderIsValid(xreader) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

Instance Method Details

#[](key) ⇒ value

Provide the value of the attribute with the specified index (if key is an integer) or with the specified name (if key is a string) relative to the containing element, as a string.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 871

static VALUE rxml_reader_attribute(VALUE self, VALUE key)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  xmlChar *xattr;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  if (TYPE(key) == T_FIXNUM)
    xattr = xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNo(xReader, FIX2INT(key));
    xattr = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(xReader, (const xmlChar *) StringValueCStr(key));

  if (xattr)
    result = rxml_new_cstr(xattr, xencoding);
  return result;


Provide the number of attributes of the current node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 676

static VALUE rxml_reader_attr_count(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderAttributeCount(xreader));


Determine the base URI of the node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 714

static VALUE rxml_reader_base_uri(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *result = xmlTextReaderConstBaseUri(xReader);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  return (result == NULL ? Qnil : rxml_new_cstr(result, xencoding));


This method provides the current index of the parser used by the reader, relative to the start of the current entity.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 1046

static VALUE
rxml_reader_byte_consumed(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return LONG2NUM(xmlTextReaderByteConsumed(xreader));


This method releases any resources allocated by the current instance changes the state to Closed and close any underlying input.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 283

static VALUE rxml_reader_close(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderClose(xreader));


Provide the column number of the current parsing point.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 1061

static VALUE
rxml_reader_column_number(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2NUM(xmlTextReaderGetParserColumnNumber(xreader));

#depth ⇒ depth

Get the depth of the node in the tree.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 774

static VALUE rxml_reader_depth(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderDepth(xreader));

#document ⇒ doc

Hacking interface that provides access to the current document being accessed by the reader. NOTE: as a result of this call, the reader will not destroy the associated ::LibXML::XML document. Instead, it will be destroyed when the returned document goes out of scope.

Returns: document

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 1019

static VALUE rxml_reader_doc(VALUE self)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  xmlDocPtr xdoc = xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc(xreader);

  if (!xdoc)
    rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "The reader does not have a document.  Did you forget to call read?");

  result = rxml_document_wrap(xdoc);

  // And now hook in a mark function to keep the document alive as long as the reader is valid
  RDATA(self)->dmark = (RUBY_DATA_FUNC)rxml_reader_mark;

  return result;


Returns the encoding of the document being read. Note you first have to read data from the reader for encoding to return a value

reader = XML::Reader.file(XML_FILE)
assert_equal(XML::Encoding::UTF_8, reader.encoding)

In addition, libxml always appears to return nil for the encoding when parsing strings.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 698

static VALUE rxml_reader_encoding(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xreader);
  if (xencoding)
    return INT2NUM(xmlParseCharEncoding((const char*)xencoding));


Returns the current node and its full subtree. Note the returned node is valid ONLY until the next read call. If you would like to preserve the node, or search it via xpath, call reader.doc first.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 989

static VALUE rxml_reader_expand(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  xmlNodePtr xnode = xmlTextReaderExpand(xreader);

  if (!xnode)
    return Qnil;
	  /* We cannot call rxml_node_wrap here because its sets up a mark function
	   for the node. But according to the libxml docs (http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderExpand)
	   this is only valid until the next xmlTextReaderRead call.  At that point the node is freed (from reading
	   the libxml2 source code.  So don't set a mark or free function, because they will get called in the next
	   garbage collection run and cause a segfault.*/
	return Data_Wrap_Struct(cXMLNode, NULL, NULL, xnode);

#get_attribute(localName) ⇒ value

Provide the value of the attribute with the specified name relative to the containing element.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 902

static VALUE rxml_reader_get_attribute(VALUE self, VALUE name)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  xmlChar *xattr;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  xattr = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(xReader, (const xmlChar *) StringValueCStr(name));
  if (xattr)
    result = rxml_new_cstr(xattr, xencoding);
  return result;

#get_attribute_no(index) ⇒ value

Provide the value of the attribute with the specified index relative to the containing element.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 925

static VALUE rxml_reader_get_attribute_no(VALUE self, VALUE index)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  xmlChar *xattr;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  xattr = xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNo(xReader, FIX2INT(index));
  if (xattr)
    result = rxml_new_cstr(xattr, xencoding);
  return result;

#get_attribute_ns(name, ns)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 941

static VALUE rxml_reader_get_attribute_ns(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE ns)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  xmlChar *xattr;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  xattr = xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNs(xReader,
    (const xmlChar *) StringValueCStr(name),
    (const xmlChar *) StringValueCStr(ns));
  if (xattr)
    result = rxml_new_cstr(xattr, xencoding);
  return result;


Provide the line number of the current parsing point.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 1074

static VALUE
rxml_reader_line_number(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2NUM(xmlTextReaderGetParserLineNumber(xreader));


Return the local name of the node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 661

static VALUE rxml_reader_local_name(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *result = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(xReader);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  return (result == NULL ? Qnil : rxml_new_cstr(result, xencoding));

#lookup_namespace(prefix) ⇒ value

Resolve a namespace prefix in the scope of the current element. To return the default namespace, specify nil as #prefix.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 966

static VALUE rxml_reader_lookup_namespace(VALUE self, VALUE prefix)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *xnamespace = xmlTextReaderLookupNamespace(xReader, (const xmlChar *) StringValueCStr(prefix));
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  if (xnamespace)
    result = rxml_new_cstr(xnamespace, xencoding);
    xmlFree((void *)xnamespace);
  return result;

#move_to_attribute(localName) ⇒ code

Move the position of the current instance to the attribute with the specified name relative to the containing element.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 314

static VALUE rxml_reader_move_to_attr(VALUE self, VALUE val)
  int ret;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader;

  xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  ret = xmlTextReaderMoveToAttribute(xreader,
      (const xmlChar *) StringValueCStr(val));

  return INT2FIX(ret);

#move_to_attribute_no(index) ⇒ code

Move the position of the current instance to the attribute with the specified index relative to the containing element.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 296

static VALUE rxml_reader_move_to_attr_no(VALUE self, VALUE index)
  int ret;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader;

  xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  ret = xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNo(xreader, FIX2INT(index));

  return INT2FIX(ret);

#move_to_attribute_ns(localName, namespaceURI) ⇒ code

Move the position of the current instance to the attribute with the specified name and namespace relative to the containing element.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 333

static VALUE rxml_reader_move_to_attr_ns(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE ns)
  int ret;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader;

  xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  ret = xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNs(xreader,
      (const xmlChar *) StringValueCStr(name),
      (const xmlChar *) StringValueCStr(ns));

  return INT2FIX(ret);


Move the position of the current instance to the node that contains the current attribute node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 379

static VALUE rxml_reader_move_to_element(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderMoveToElement(xreader));


Move the position of the current instance to the first attribute associated with the current node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 353

static VALUE rxml_reader_move_to_first_attr(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderMoveToFirstAttribute(xreader));


Move the position of the current instance to the next attribute associated with the current node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 366

static VALUE rxml_reader_move_to_next_attr(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(xreader));

#name ⇒ name

Return the qualified name of the node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 646

static VALUE rxml_reader_name(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *result = xmlTextReaderConstName(xReader);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  return (result == NULL ? Qnil : rxml_new_cstr(result, xencoding));


Determine the namespace URI of the node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 729

static VALUE rxml_reader_namespace_uri(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *result = xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(xReader);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  return (result == NULL ? Qnil : rxml_new_cstr(result, xencoding));


Skip to the node following the current one in document order while avoiding the subtree if any.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 392

static VALUE rxml_reader_next(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderNext(xreader));


Skip to the node following the current one in document order while avoiding the subtree if any. Currently implemented only for Readers built on a document.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 406

static VALUE rxml_reader_next_sibling(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderNextSibling(xreader));


Returns the reader’s current node. It will return nil if #read has not yet been called. WARNING - Using this method is dangerous because the the node may be destroyed on the next #read.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 421

static VALUE rxml_reader_node(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  xmlNodePtr xnode = xmlTextReaderCurrentNode(xreader);
  return xnode ? rxml_node_wrap(xnode) : Qnil;


Get the node type of the current node. Reference: dotgnu.org/pnetlib-doc/System/Xml/XmlNodeType.html

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 435

static VALUE rxml_reader_node_type(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderNodeType(xreader));


The value indicating whether to normalize white space and attribute values. Since attribute value and end of line normalizations are a MUST in the ::LibXML::XML specification only the value true is accepted. The broken bahaviour of accepting out of range character entities like &#0; is of course not supported either.

Return 1 or -1 in case of error.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 453

static VALUE rxml_reader_normalization(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderNormalization(xreader));

#prefix ⇒ prefix

Get a shorthand reference to the namespace associated with the node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 759

static VALUE rxml_reader_prefix(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *result = xmlTextReaderConstPrefix(xReader);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  return (result == NULL ? Qnil : rxml_new_cstr(result, xencoding));


Get the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of an attribute, as an integer value (and -1 in case of error).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 787

static VALUE rxml_reader_quote_char(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderQuoteChar(xreader));


Causes the reader to move to the next node in the stream, exposing its properties.

Returns true if a node was successfully read or false if there are no more nodes to read. On errors, an exception is raised.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 467

static VALUE rxml_reader_read(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  int result = xmlTextReaderRead(xreader);
    case -1:
      return Qnil;
    case 0:
      return Qfalse;
    case 1:
      return Qtrue;
               "xmlTextReaderRead did not return -1, 0 or 1.  Return value was: %d", result);


Parse an attribute value into one or more Text and EntityReference nodes.

Return 1 in case of success, 0 if the reader was not positionned on an attribute node or all the attribute values have been read, or -1 in case of error.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 497

static VALUE rxml_reader_read_attr_value(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderReadAttributeValue(xreader));


Read the contents of the current node, including child nodes and markup.

Return a string containing the ::LibXML::XML content, or nil if the current node is neither an element nor attribute, or has no child nodes.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 512

static VALUE rxml_reader_read_inner_xml(VALUE self)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);

  xmlChar *xml = xmlTextReaderReadInnerXml(xReader);

  if (xml)
    const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);
    result = rxml_new_cstr( xml, xencoding);

  return result;


Read the contents of the current node, including child nodes and markup.

Return a string containing the ::LibXML::XML content, or nil if the current node is neither an element nor attribute, or has no child nodes.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 538

static VALUE rxml_reader_read_outer_xml(VALUE self)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);

  xmlChar *xml = xmlTextReaderReadOuterXml(xReader);

  if (xml)
    const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);
    result = rxml_new_cstr( xml, xencoding);

  return result;


Get the read state of the reader.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 561

static VALUE rxml_reader_read_state(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderReadState(xreader));


Read the contents of an element or a text node as a string.

Return a string containing the contents of the Element or Text node, or nil if the reader is positioned on any other type of node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 576

static VALUE rxml_reader_read_string(VALUE self)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);

  xmlChar *xml = xmlTextReaderReadString(xReader);

  if (xml)
    const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);
    result = rxml_new_cstr( xml, xencoding);

  return result;

#relax_ng_validate(rng) ⇒ Boolean

Use RelaxNG to validate the document as it is processed. Activation is only possible before the first read. If rng is nil, the RelaxNG validation is desactivated.

Return true in case the RelaxNG validation could be (des)activated and false in case of error.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 604

static VALUE rxml_reader_relax_ng_validate(VALUE self, VALUE rng)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  xmlRelaxNGPtr xrelax;
  int status;
  Data_Get_Struct(rng, xmlRelaxNG, xrelax);
  status = xmlTextReaderRelaxNGSetSchema(xreader, xrelax);
  return (status == 0 ? Qtrue : Qfalse);

#schema_validate(schema) ⇒ Boolean

Use W3C XSD schema to validate the document as it is processed. Activation is only possible before the first read. If schema is nil, then ::LibXML::XML Schema validation is deactivated.

Return false if if the schema’s validation could be (de)activated and true otherwise.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 627

static VALUE
rxml_reader_schema_validate(VALUE self, VALUE xsd)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  xmlSchemaPtr xschema;
  int status;

  Data_Get_Struct(xsd, xmlSchema, xschema);
  status = xmlTextReaderSetSchema(xreader, xschema);
  return (status == 0 ? Qtrue : Qfalse);


Determine the standalone status of the document being read.

Return 1 if the document was declared to be standalone, 0 if it was declared to be not standalone, or -1 if the document did not specify its standalone status or in case of error.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 803

static VALUE rxml_reader_standalone(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xreader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  return INT2FIX(xmlTextReaderStandalone(xreader));


Provide the text value of the node if present.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 744

static VALUE rxml_reader_value(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *result = xmlTextReaderConstValue(xReader);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  return (result == NULL ? Qnil : rxml_new_cstr(result, xencoding));


Get the xml:lang scope within which the node resides.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 815

static VALUE rxml_reader_xml_lang(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *result = xmlTextReaderConstXmlLang(xReader);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  return (result == NULL ? Qnil : rxml_new_cstr(result, xencoding));


Determine the ::LibXML::XML version of the document being read.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_reader.c', line 830

static VALUE rxml_reader_xml_version(VALUE self)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xReader = rxml_text_reader_get(self);
  const xmlChar *result = xmlTextReaderConstXmlVersion(xReader);
  const xmlChar *xencoding = xmlTextReaderConstEncoding(xReader);

  return (result == NULL ? Qnil : rxml_new_cstr(result, xencoding));