
Class: LibXML::XML::HTMLParser::Context

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: LibXML::XML::Parser::Context
Defined in: ext/libxml/ruby_xml_html_parser_context.c,


The Context class provides in-depth control over how a document is parsed.

Class Method Summary

::LibXML::XML::Parser::Context - Inherited


Creates a new parser context based on the specified document.


Creates a new parser context based on the specified file or uri.


Creates a new parser context based on the specified io object.


Creates a new parser context based on the specified string.

Instance Attribute Summary

::LibXML::XML::Parser::Context - Inherited


Obtain the base url for this parser context.


Sets the base url for this parser context.


Control whether CDATA nodes will be created in this context.


Determine whether CDATA nodes will be created in this context.


Determine whether SAX-based processing is disabled in this context.


Determine whether this is a docbook context.


Obtain the character encoding identifier used in this context.


Sets the character encoding for this context.


Determine whether this is an html context.


Determine whether parsers in this context retain whitespace.


Returns the parser options for this context.


Provides control over the execution of a parser.


Control whether recovery mode is enabled in this context.


Determine whether recovery mode is enabled in this context.


Control whether external entity replacement is enabled in this context.


Determine whether external entity replacement is enabled in this context.


Determine whether this is a standalone context.


Determine whether this context maintains statistics.


Determine whether this context is a subset of an external context.


Determine whether this context is a subset of an internal context.


Determine whether validation is enabled in this context.


Determine whether this context contains well-formed ::LibXML::XML.

Instance Method Summary

::LibXML::XML::Parser::Context - Inherited


Closes the underlying input streams.


Obtain the data directory associated with this context.


Obtain the depth of this context.


Obtain the last-error number in this context.


Obtain the limit on the number of IO streams opened in this context.


Obtain the actual number of IO streams in this context.


Obtain the name depth for this context.


Obtain the maximum name depth for this context.


Obtain the name node for this context.


Obtain the name table for this context.


Obtain the root node of this context.


Obtain the node depth for this context.


Obtain the maximum node depth for this context.


Obtain the number of characters in this context.


Obtain the space depth for this context.


Obtain the maximum space depth for this context.


Obtain this context’s external subset system identifier.


Obtain this context’s external subset URI.


Obtain this context’s subset name (valid only if either of subset_external? or subset_internal? is true).


Determine whether this context is valid.


Obtain this context’s version identifier.

Class Method Details

XML::HTMLParser::Context.file(file) ⇒ Context

Creates a new parser context based on the specified file or uri.


file - A filename or uri
options - A or'ed together list of LibXML::XML::HTMLParser::Options values
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_html_parser_context.c', line 152

static VALUE rxml_html_parser_context_file(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE klass)
  VALUE file, options;
  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &file, &options);

  htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = htmlCreateFileParserCtxt(StringValuePtr(file), NULL);
  if (!ctxt)

  /* This is annoying, but xmlInitParserCtxt (called indirectly above) and 
     xmlCtxtUseOptionsInternal (called below) initialize slightly different
     context options, in particular XML_PARSE_NODICT which xmlInitParserCtxt
     sets to 0 and xmlCtxtUseOptionsInternal sets to 1.  So we have to call both. */
  htmlCtxtUseOptions(ctxt, options == Qnil ? 0 : NUM2INT(options));

  return rxml_html_parser_context_wrap(ctxt);

XML::HTMLParser::Context.io(io) ⇒ Context

Creates a new parser context based on the specified io object.


io - A ruby IO object
options - A or'ed together list of LibXML::XML::HTMLParser::Options values
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_html_parser_context.c', line 180

static VALUE rxml_html_parser_context_io(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE klass)
  VALUE io, options;
  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &io, &options);

  VALUE result;
  htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
  xmlParserInputBufferPtr input;
  xmlParserInputPtr stream;

  if (NIL_P(io))
    rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Must pass in an IO object");

  input = xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO((xmlInputReadCallback) rxml_read_callback, NULL,
                                     (void*)io, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE);

  ctxt = htmlNewParserCtxt();
  if (!ctxt)

  /* This is annoying, but xmlInitParserCtxt (called indirectly above) and 
     xmlCtxtUseOptionsInternal (called below) initialize slightly different
     context options, in particular XML_PARSE_NODICT which xmlInitParserCtxt
     sets to 0 and xmlCtxtUseOptionsInternal sets to 1.  So we have to call both. */
  htmlCtxtUseOptions(ctxt, options == Qnil ? 0 : NUM2INT(options));

  stream = xmlNewIOInputStream(ctxt, input, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE);

  if (!stream)
  inputPush(ctxt, stream);
  result = rxml_html_parser_context_wrap(ctxt);

  /* Attach io object to parser so it won't get freed.*/
  rb_ivar_set(result, IO_ATTR, io);

  return result;

XML::HTMLParser::Context.string(string) ⇒ Context

Creates a new parser context based on the specified string.


string - A string that contains the data to parse
options - A or'ed together list of LibXML::XML::HTMLParser::Options values
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_html_parser_context.c', line 236

static VALUE rxml_html_parser_context_string(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE klass)
  VALUE string, options;
  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &string, &options);

  Check_Type(string, T_STRING);

  if (RSTRING_LEN(string) == 0)
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Must specify a string with one or more characters");

  htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = xmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt(StringValuePtr(string),
  if (!ctxt)

  /* This is annoying, but xmlInitParserCtxt (called indirectly above) and 
     xmlCtxtUseOptionsInternal (called below) initialize slightly different
     context options, in particular XML_PARSE_NODICT which xmlInitParserCtxt
     sets to 0 and xmlCtxtUseOptionsInternal sets to 1.  So we have to call both. */
  htmlCtxtUseOptions(ctxt, options == Qnil ? 0 : NUM2INT(options));

  // Setup sax handler
  // TODO - there must be a better way? The sax handler is initialized for XML, but we want
  // to use HTML
  memset(ctxt->sax, 0, sizeof(xmlSAXHandler));
  return rxml_html_parser_context_wrap(ctxt);

Instance Attribute Details

#disable_cdata=(true|false) (writeonly)

Control whether the CDATA nodes will be created in this context.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_html_parser_context.c', line 293

static VALUE rxml_html_parser_context_disable_cdata_set(VALUE self, VALUE value)
  htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, htmlParserCtxt, ctxt);

  if (ctxt->sax == NULL)
    rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Sax handler is not yet set");

  /* LibXML controls this internally with the default SAX handler. */ 
  if (value)
    ctxt->sax->cdataBlock = NULL;
    ctxt->sax->cdataBlock = xmlSAX2CDataBlock;

  return value;

#options=(XML::Parser::Options::NOENT |) (writeonly) XML::Parser::Options::NOCDATA

Provides control over the execution of a parser. Valid values are the constants defined on ::LibXML::XML::Parser::Options. Multiple options can be combined by using Bitwise OR (|).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_html_parser_context.c', line 319

static VALUE rxml_html_parser_context_options_set(VALUE self, VALUE options)
  int xml_options = NUM2INT(options);
  htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
  Check_Type(options, T_FIXNUM);

  Data_Get_Struct(self, htmlParserCtxt, ctxt);
  htmlCtxtUseOptions(ctxt, xml_options);

#if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20707
  /* Big hack here, but htmlCtxtUseOptions doens't support HTML_PARSE_NOIMPLIED.
     So do it ourselves. There must be a better way??? */
  if (xml_options & HTML_PARSE_NOIMPLIED) 
	  ctxt->options |= HTML_PARSE_NOIMPLIED;

  return self;

Instance Method Details


Closes the underlying input streams. This is useful when parsing a large amount of files and you want to close the files without relying on Ruby’s garbage collector to run.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_html_parser_context.c', line 274

static VALUE rxml_html_parser_context_close(VALUE self)
  htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
  xmlParserInputPtr xinput;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, htmlParserCtxt, ctxt);

  while ((xinput = inputPop(ctxt)) != NULL)
  return Qnil;