
Class: LibXML::XML::Dtd

Relationships & Source Files
Inherits: Object
Defined in: ext/libxml/ruby_xml_dtd.c,


The Dtd class is used to prepare DTD’s for validation of xml documents.

DTDs can be created from a string or a pair of public and system identifiers. Once a Dtd object is instantiated, an ::LibXML::XML document can be validated by the Document#validate method providing the Dtd object as parameeter. The method will raise an exception if the document is not valid.

Basic usage:

# parse DTD
dtd = XML::Dtd.new(<<EOF)
<!ELEMENT root (item*) >
<!ELEMENT item (#PCDATA) >

# parse xml document to be validated
instance = XML::Document.file('instance.xml')

# validate

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

XML::Dtd.new(dtd_string) ⇒ Dtd XML::Dtd.new(external_id, system_id) ⇒ Dtd XML::Dtd.new(external_id, system_id, name, document, internal) ⇒ Dtd

Create a new Dtd from the specified public and system identifiers:

* The first usage creates a DTD from a string and requires 1 parameter.
* The second usage loads and parses an external DTD and requires 2 parameters.
* The third usage creates a new internal or external DTD and requires 2 parameters and 3 optional parameters.
  The DTD is then attached to the specified document if it is not nil.


dtd_string - A string that contains a complete DTD
external_id - A string that specifies the DTD's external name. For example, "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
system_id - A string that specififies the DTD's system name. For example, "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"
name - A string that specifies the DTD's name. For example "xhtml1".
document - A xml document.
internal - Boolean value indicating whether this is an internal or external DTD. Optional. If not specified
           then external is assumed.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_dtd.c', line 148

static VALUE rxml_dtd_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  xmlDtdPtr xdtd;
  VALUE external, system;

  switch (argc)
      case 3:
      case 4:
      case 5:
          const xmlChar *xname = NULL, *xpublic = NULL, *xsystem = NULL;
          xmlDocPtr xdoc = NULL;

          VALUE name, doc, internal;
          rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "23", &external, &system, &name, &doc, &internal);

          Check_Type(external, T_STRING);
          xpublic = (const xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(external);

          Check_Type(system, T_STRING);
          xsystem = (const xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(system);

          if (name != Qnil)
            Check_Type(name, T_STRING);
            xname = (const xmlChar*)StringValuePtr(name);

          if (doc != Qnil)
            if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(doc, cXMLDocument) == Qfalse)
              rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Must pass an LibXML::XML::Document object");
            Data_Get_Struct(doc, xmlDoc, xdoc);

          if (internal == Qnil || internal == Qfalse)
            xdtd = xmlNewDtd(xdoc, xname, xpublic, xsystem);
            xdtd = xmlCreateIntSubset(xdoc, xname, xpublic, xsystem);

          if (xdtd == NULL)

          /* The document will free the dtd so Ruby should not */
          RDATA(self)->dfree = NULL;
          DATA_PTR(self) = xdtd;

          xmlSetTreeDoc((xmlNodePtr) xdtd, xdoc);

      case 2:
        rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "20", &external, &system);

        Check_Type(external, T_STRING);
        Check_Type(system, T_STRING);

        xdtd = xmlParseDTD((xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(external), (xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(system));

        if (xdtd == NULL)

        DATA_PTR(self) = xdtd;

        xmlSetTreeDoc((xmlNodePtr) xdtd, NULL);
      case 1:
        VALUE dtd_string;
        rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "10", &dtd_string);
        Check_Type(dtd_string, T_STRING);

        /* Note that buffer is freed by xmlParserInputBufferPush*/
        xmlCharEncoding enc = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE;
        xmlParserInputBufferPtr buffer = xmlAllocParserInputBuffer(enc);
        xmlChar *new_string = xmlStrdup((xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(dtd_string));
        xmlParserInputBufferPush(buffer, xmlStrlen(new_string),
            (const char*) new_string);

        xdtd = xmlIOParseDTD(NULL, buffer, enc);

        if (xdtd == NULL)


        DATA_PTR(self) = xdtd;
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments");

  return self;

Instance Method Details

#external_id ⇒ "string"

Obtain this dtd’s external identifer (for a PUBLIC DTD).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_dtd.c', line 64

static VALUE rxml_dtd_external_id_get(VALUE self)
  xmlDtdPtr xdtd;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, xmlDtd, xdtd);

  if (xdtd->ExternalID == NULL)
    return (Qnil);
    return (rxml_new_cstr( xdtd->ExternalID, NULL));

#name ⇒ "string"

Obtain this dtd’s name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_dtd.c', line 82

static VALUE rxml_dtd_name_get(VALUE self)
  xmlDtdPtr xdtd;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, xmlDtd, xdtd);

  if (xdtd->name == NULL)
    return (Qnil);
    return (rxml_new_cstr( xdtd->name, NULL));


Obtain this node’s type identifier.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_dtd.c', line 118

static VALUE rxml_dtd_type(VALUE self)
  xmlDtdPtr xdtd;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, xmlDtd, xdtd);
  return (INT2NUM(xdtd->type));

#uri ⇒ "string" #system_id ⇒ "string"

Alias for #uri.

#uri ⇒ "string" Also known as: #system_id

Obtain this dtd’s URI (for a SYSTEM or PUBLIC DTD).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/libxml/ruby_xml_dtd.c', line 101

static VALUE rxml_dtd_uri_get(VALUE self)
  xmlDtdPtr xdtd;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, xmlDtd, xdtd);

  if (xdtd->SystemID == NULL)
    return (Qnil);
    return (rxml_new_cstr( xdtd->SystemID, NULL));