
Remote Queries

In most GraphQL setups, the client will need to make some sort of network request to a remote server. Which will likely be HTTPS, which is why ::GraphQL::Client bundles a basic HTTP adapter wrapping `Net::HTTP.

The stock ::GraphQL::Client::HTTP assumes your to a express-graphql compatible endpoint. There is no formal definition of what the HTTP endpoint should look like in the GraphQL spec itself, but the express-graphql service has become the de facto standard. It just assumes the endpoint accepts the following parameters: "query", "variables" and "operationName".

If you need to customize this, writing an adapter is very straight forward.

An execution adapter is any object that responds to execute(document:, operation_name:, variables:, context:).

To demonstrate using a network library other than Net::HTTP, here's a simplified HTTP adapter using the Faraday library.

require "faraday"

class FaradayAdapter
  def self.execute(document:, operation_name:, variables:, context:)
    response = Faraday.post("http://graphql-swapi.parseapp.com/", {
      "query" => document.to_query_string,
      "operationName" => operation_name,
      "variables" => variables