
This page contains a canonical list of type symbols recognized by attach_function and Struct#layout


The following types can be used as arguments and return types:

Symbol Description Expected/returned type from FFI Notes
:char 8-bit character Integer
:uchar 8-bit unsigned character Integer
:int8 8-bit signed integer Integer
:uint8 8-bit unsigned integer Integer
:short 16-bit signed integer Integer
:ushort 16-bit unsigned integer Integer
:int16 16-bit signed integer Integer
:uint16 16-bit unsigned integer Integer
:int signed integer Integer platform specific size
:uint unsigned integer Integer platform specific size
:int32 32-bit signed integer Integer
:uint32 32-bit unsigned integer Integer
:long long int Integer platform-specific size
:ulong unsigned long int Integer platform-specific size
:int64 64-bit signed integer Integer
:uint64 64-bit unsigned integer Integer
:long_long 64-bit signed integer Integer
:ulong_long 64-bit unsigned integer Integer
:float 32-bit floating point Float
:double 64-bit floating point (double-precision) Float
:pointer pointer with platform-specific size out: FFI::Pointer
in: FFI::Pointer, String, Integer
Data may contain zero bytes and may not be zero-terminated. Strings can be passed directly to C, but should be considered read only on both Ruby and C side.
:string C-style (NULL-terminated) character string. String :string should be considered to be const char * and the Ruby string must not be changed as long as it’s accessed by the library. If the string buffer shall be modified from C or Ruby side, use :pointer and FFI::MemoryPointer instead.
:bool boolean true/false
[[Enums]] your own custom enum group (or its symbol) as a type Symbol/Integer

For function return type only:

Symbol Description Returned type from FFI Notes
:void return type void Pointer for functions that return nothing
:strptr Ruby String and a Pointer to C memory Array (e.g. ["foo", ptr]) useful to free the memory from within Ruby

For function argument type only:

Symbol Description Expected by FFI Notes
:buffer_in Similar to :pointer, but optimized for Buffers that the function can only read (not write). FFI::Pointer
:buffer_out Similar to :pointer, but optimized for Buffers that the function can only write (not read). FFI::Pointer
:buffer_inout Similar to :pointer, but may be optimized for Buffers. FFI::Pointer
:varargs variadic arguments anything see [[examples]]

See also [[Core-Concepts]] for details about the memory management of :pointer, :string and :buffer types.

More Types

Most common C types like :size_t , :uint32_t and :in_addr_t are predefined. For a full list see lib/ffi/platform/<your platform>/types.conf in the git repository.

Furthermore it’s possible to define your own types. This is particular useful to distinguish between different :pointer types like so: ```ruby typedef :pointer, :libusb_device_handle attach_function ‘libusb_reset_device’, [:libusb_device_handle], :int

There are even more nice possibilities to map values:

See this blog post for more information.