To compile EM with SSL on Windows one needs to have OpenSSL libraries and headers from
Make sure you download bigger package described as "Recommended for software developers by the creators of OpenSSL" - it should contain lib/MinGW and include/openssl subdirectories
Download and install it to preferred directory for example C:\OpenSSL
To compile the gem from source with SSL use following command:
rake compile -- --with-ssl-dir=c:/OpenSSL
To compile it with SSL using bundler issue following command before installing the bundle:
bundle config build.eventmachine --with-ssl-dir=c:/OpenSSL
The above works fine from 1.0.8
PS. I am not totally sure why but bundle config does not always work as expected and I am forced to manually uninstall gem and install it again with proper flag as below:
gem install eventmachine -- --with-ssl-dir=c:/OpenSSL
PS2. As per
gem install eventmachine --platform ruby -- --with-ssl-dir=c:/OpenSSL
to force local compilation and not to download precompiled gem without SSL