
Class: TestConnection Private

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/em/protocols/memcache.rb

Constant Summary

Deferrable - Included


Protocols::Memcache - Included

Cdeleted, Cdelimiter, Cempty, Cend, Cerror, Cstored, Cunknown

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Protocols::Memcache - Included


Delete the value associated with a key.


Get the value associated with one or multiple keys.


Gets multiple values as a hash.

#initialize, #process_cmd, #receive_data,

Set the value for a given key.

#unbind, #send_cmd

Deferrable - Included


Specify a block to be executed if and when the Deferrable object receives a status of :succeeded.


Cancels an outstanding callback to &block if any.


Cancels an outstanding errback to &block if any.


Cancels an outstanding timeout if any.


Specify a block to be executed if and when the Deferrable object receives a status of :failed.


Sugar for set_deferred_status(:failed, ...).


Sets the "disposition" (status) of the Deferrable object.


Sugar for set_deferred_status(:succeeded, ...).


Setting a timeout on a Deferrable causes it to go into the failed state after the Timeout expires (passing no arguments to the object's errbacks).

Constructor Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/memcache.rb', line 249

def initialize

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/memcache.rb', line 242

def send_data data
  sent_data << data


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/memcache.rb', line 245

def sent_data
  @sent_data ||= ''