
Class: Concurrent::TimerTask


A very common concurrency pattern is to run a thread that performs a task at regular intervals. The thread that performs the task sleeps for the given interval then wakes up and performs the task. Lather, rinse, repeat… This pattern causes two problems. First, it is difficult to test the business logic of the task because the task itself is tightly coupled with the concurrency logic. Second, an exception raised while performing the task can cause the entire thread to abend. In a long-running application where the task thread is intended to run for days/weeks/years a crashed task thread can pose a significant problem. TimerTask alleviates both problems.

When a TimerTask is launched it starts a thread for monitoring the execution interval. The TimerTask thread does not perform the task, however. Instead, the TimerTask launches the task on a separate thread. Should the task experience an unrecoverable crash only the task thread will crash. This makes the TimerTask very fault tolerant. Additionally, the TimerTask thread can respond to the success or failure of the task, performing logging or ancillary operations.

One other advantage of TimerTask is that it forces the business logic to be completely decoupled from the concurrency logic. The business logic can be tested separately then passed to the TimerTask for scheduling and running.

A TimerTask supports two different types of interval calculations. A fixed delay will always wait the same amount of time between the completion of one task and the start of the next. A fixed rate will attempt to maintain a constant rate of execution regardless of the duration of the task. For example, if a fixed rate task is scheduled to run every 60 seconds but the task itself takes 10 seconds to complete, the next task will be scheduled to run 50 seconds after the start of the previous task. If the task takes 70 seconds to complete, the next task will be start immediately after the previous task completes. Tasks will not be executed concurrently.

In some cases it may be necessary for a TimerTask to affect its own execution cycle. To facilitate this, a reference to the TimerTask instance is passed as an argument to the provided block every time the task is executed.

The TimerTask class includes the Dereferenceable mixin module so the result of the last execution is always available via the #value method. Dereferencing options can be passed to the TimerTask during construction or at any later time using the #set_deref_options method.

TimerTask supports notification through the Ruby standard library Observable module. On execution the TimerTask will notify the observers with three arguments: time of execution, the result of the block (or nil on failure), and any raised exceptions (or nil on success).

## Copy Options

::Object references in Ruby are mutable. This can lead to serious problems when the #value of an object is a mutable reference. Which is always the case unless the value is a Fixnum, Symbol, or similar “primitive” data type. Each instance can be configured with a few options that can help protect the program from potentially dangerous operations. Each of these options can be optionally set when the object instance is created:

  • :dup_on_deref When true the object will call the #dup method on the value object every time the #value method is called (default: false)

  • :freeze_on_deref When true the object will call the #freeze method on the value object every time the #value method is called (default: false)

  • :copy_on_deref When given a Proc object the Proc will be run every time the #value method is called. The Proc will be given the current value as its only argument and the result returned by the block will be the return value of the #value call. When nil this option will be ignored (default: nil)

When multiple deref options are set the order of operations is strictly defined. The order of deref operations is:

  • :copy_on_deref

  • :dup_on_deref

  • :freeze_on_deref

Because of this ordering there is no need to #freeze an object created by a provided :copy_on_deref block. Simply set :freeze_on_deref to true. Setting both :dup_on_deref to true and :freeze_on_deref to true is as close to the behavior of a “pure” functional language (like Erlang, Clojure, or Haskell) as we are likely to get in Ruby.


Basic usage

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new{ puts 'Boom!' }

task.execution_interval #=> 60 (default)

# wait 60 seconds...
#=> 'Boom!'

task.shutdown #=> true

Configuring :execution_interval

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(execution_interval: 5) do
       puts 'Boom!'

task.execution_interval #=> 5

Immediate execution with :run_now

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(run_now: true){ puts 'Boom!' }

#=> 'Boom!'

Configuring :interval_type with either :fixed_delay or :fixed_rate, default is :fixed_delay

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(execution_interval: 5, interval_type: :fixed_rate) do
       puts 'Boom!'
task.interval_type #=> :fixed_rate

Last #value and Dereferenceable mixin

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(
  dup_on_deref: true,
  execution_interval: 5
){ Time.now }

Time.now   #=> 2013-11-07 18:06:50 -0500
task.value #=> 2013-11-07 18:06:55 -0500

Controlling execution from within the block

timer_task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(execution_interval: 1) do |task|
  task.execution_interval.to_i.times{ print 'Boom! ' }
  print "\n"
  task.execution_interval += 1
  if task.execution_interval > 5
    puts 'Stopping...'

#=> Boom!
#=> Boom! Boom!
#=> Boom! Boom! Boom!
#=> Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!
#=> Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!
#=> Stopping...


class TaskObserver
  def update(time, result, ex)
    if result
      print "(#{time}) Execution successfully returned #{result}\n"
      print "(#{time}) Execution failed with error #{ex}\n"

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(execution_interval: 1){ 42 }
sleep 4

#=> (2013-10-13 19:08:58 -0400) Execution successfully returned 42
#=> (2013-10-13 19:08:59 -0400) Execution successfully returned 42
#=> (2013-10-13 19:09:00 -0400) Execution successfully returned 42

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(execution_interval: 1){ sleep }

#=> (2013-10-13 19:07:25 -0400) Execution timed out
#=> (2013-10-13 19:07:27 -0400) Execution timed out
#=> (2013-10-13 19:07:29 -0400) Execution timed out

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(execution_interval: 1){ raise StandardError }

#=> (2013-10-13 19:09:37 -0400) Execution failed with error StandardError
#=> (2013-10-13 19:09:38 -0400) Execution failed with error StandardError
#=> (2013-10-13 19:09:39 -0400) Execution failed with error StandardError

See Also:

Constant Summary

Concern::Logging - Included


AbstractExecutorService - Inherited


Class Method Summary

RubyExecutorService - Inherited

AbstractExecutorService - Inherited


Create a new thread pool.

Instance Attribute Summary

Concern::Dereferenceable - Included


Return the value this object represents after applying the options specified by the #set_deref_options method.

RubyExecutorService - Inherited

AbstractExecutorService - Inherited


Set the auto-terminate behavior for this executor.


Is the executor auto-terminate when the application exits?

#fallback_policy, #name,

Is the executor running?


Begin an orderly shutdown.


Is the executor shutdown?


Is the executor shuttingdown?


ExecutorService - Included


Does the task queue have a maximum size?


Does this executor guarantee serialization of its operations?

Instance Method Summary

Concern::Observable - Included


Adds an observer to this set.


Return the number of observers associated with this object.


Remove observer as an observer on this object so that it will no longer receive notifications.


Remove all observers associated with this object.


As #add_observer but can be used for chaining.

Concern::Dereferenceable - Included


Set the options which define the operations #value performs before returning data to the caller (dereferencing).

RubyExecutorService - Inherited


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Set the auto-terminate behavior for this executor.


Is the executor auto-terminate when the application exits?


Does the task queue have a maximum size?


Begin an immediate shutdown.


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Is the executor running?


Does this executor guarantee serialization of its operations?


Begin an orderly shutdown.


Is the executor shutdown?


Is the executor shuttingdown?


Block until executor shutdown is complete or until timeout seconds have passed.

#ns_shutdown_execution, #stop_event, #stopped_event

AbstractExecutorService - Inherited


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Does the task queue have a maximum size?


Begin an immediate shutdown.


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Does this executor guarantee serialization of its operations?


Block until executor shutdown is complete or until timeout seconds have passed.


Returns an action which executes the fallback_policy once the queue size reaches max_queue.


Callback method called when the executor has been killed.


Callback method called when an orderly shutdown has completed.

Concern::Deprecation - Included

ExecutorService - Included


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.

Concern::Logging - Included


Logs through global_logger, it can be overridden by setting @logger.

Synchronization::LockableObject - Inherited

Constructor Details

.new(opts = {}, &task) ⇒ TimerTask

Create a new TimerTask with the given task and configuration.


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 209

def initialize(opts = {}, &task)
  raise ArgumentError.new('no block given') unless block_given?
  set_deref_options opts

Class Method Details

.execute(opts = {}) {|task| ... } ⇒ TimerTask

Create and execute a new TimerTask.


task = Concurrent::TimerTask.execute(execution_interval: 10){ print "Hello World\n" }
task.running? #=> true


  • opts (Hash) (defaults to: {})

    the options defining task execution.

Options Hash (opts):

  • :execution_interval (Float)

    number of seconds between task executions (default: EXECUTION_INTERVAL)

  • :run_now (Boolean)

    Whether to run the task immediately upon instantiation or to wait until the first # execution_interval has passed (default: false)

  • executor, (Executor)
  • :dup_on_deref (Boolean) — default: false

    Call #dup before returning the data from #value

  • :freeze_on_deref (Boolean) — default: false

    Call #freeze before returning the data from #value

  • :copy_on_deref (Proc) — default: nil

    When calling the #value method, call the given proc passing the internal value as the sole argument then return the new value returned from the proc.


  • to the block after :execution_interval seconds have passed since the last yield

Yield Parameters:

  • task

    a reference to the TimerTask instance so that the block can control its own lifecycle. Necessary since self will refer to the execution context of the block rather than the running TimerTask.


  • (TimerTask)

    the new TimerTask


  • ArgumentError when no block is given.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 252

def self.execute(opts = {}, &task)
  TimerTask.new(opts, &task).execute

Instance Attribute Details

#execution_intervalFixnum (rw)


  • (Fixnum)

    Number of seconds after the task completes before the task is performed again.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 259

def execution_interval
  synchronize { @execution_interval }

#execution_interval=(value) (rw)

See additional method definition at line 259.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 266

def execution_interval
  synchronize { @execution_interval }

#interval_typeSymbol (readonly)


  • (Symbol)

    method to calculate the interval between executions

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 276

attr_reader :interval_type

#running?Boolean (readonly)

Is the executor running?


  • (Boolean)

    true when running, false when shutting down or shutdown

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 218

def running?

#timeout_intervalFixnum (rw)


  • (Fixnum)

    Number of seconds the task can run before it is considered to have failed.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 281

def timeout_interval
  warn 'TimerTask timeouts are now ignored as these were not able to be implemented correctly'

#timeout_interval=(value) (rw)

See additional method definition at line 281.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 288

def timeout_interval
  warn 'TimerTask timeouts are now ignored as these were not able to be implemented correctly'

Instance Method Details

#calculate_next_interval(start_time) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 352

def calculate_next_interval(start_time)
  if @interval_type == FIXED_RATE
    run_time = Concurrent.monotonic_time - start_time
    [execution_interval - run_time, 0].max
  else # FIXED_DELAY


Execute a previously created TimerTask.


Instance and execute in separate steps

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(execution_interval: 10){ print "Hello World\n" }
task.running? #=> false
task.running? #=> true

Instance and execute in one line

task = Concurrent::TimerTask.new(execution_interval: 10){ print "Hello World\n" }.execute
task.running? #=> true


  • (TimerTask)

    a reference to self

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 235

def execute
  synchronize do
    if @running.false?
      schedule_next_task(@run_now ? 0 : @execution_interval)

#execute_task(completion) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 336

def execute_task(completion)
  return nil unless @running.true?
  start_time = Concurrent.monotonic_time
  _success, value, reason = @task.execute(self)
  if completion.try?
    self.value = value
    time = Time.now
    observers.notify_observers do
      [time, self.value, reason]

#ns_initialize(opts, &task) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 296

def ns_initialize(opts, &task)

  self.execution_interval = opts[:execution] || opts[:execution_interval] || EXECUTION_INTERVAL
  if opts[:interval_type] && ![FIXED_DELAY, FIXED_RATE].include?(opts[:interval_type])
    raise ArgumentError.new('interval_type must be either :fixed_delay or :fixed_rate')
  if opts[:timeout] || opts[:timeout_interval]
    warn 'TimeTask timeouts are now ignored as these were not able to be implemented correctly'

  @run_now = opts[:now] || opts[:run_now]
  @interval_type = opts[:interval_type] || DEFAULT_INTERVAL_TYPE
  @task = Concurrent::SafeTaskExecutor.new(task)
  @executor = opts[:executor] || Concurrent.global_io_executor
  @running = Concurrent::AtomicBoolean.new(false)
  @value = nil

  self.observers = Collection::CopyOnNotifyObserverSet.new

#ns_kill_execution (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 324

def ns_kill_execution

#ns_shutdown_execution (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 318

def ns_shutdown_execution

#schedule_next_task(interval = execution_interval) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/timer_task.rb', line 330

def schedule_next_task(interval = execution_interval)
  ScheduledTask.execute(interval, executor: @executor, args: [Concurrent::Event.new], &method(:execute_task))