
Class: Concurrent::TVar


A TVar is a transactional variable - a single-element container that is used as part of a transaction - see Concurrent::atomically.

## Thread-safe Variable Classes

Each of the thread-safe variable classes is designed to solve a different problem. In general:

  • *Agent:* Shared, mutable variable providing independent, uncoordinated, asynchronous change of individual values. Best used when the value will undergo frequent, complex updates. Suitable when the result of an update does not need to be known immediately.

  • *Atom:* Shared, mutable variable providing independent, uncoordinated, synchronous change of individual values. Best used when the value will undergo frequent reads but only occasional, though complex, updates. Suitable when the result of an update must be known immediately.

  • *AtomicReference:* A simple object reference that can be updated atomically. Updates are synchronous but fast. Best used when updates a simple set operations. Not suitable when updates are complex. AtomicBoolean and AtomicFixnum are similar but optimized for the given data type.

  • *Exchanger:* Shared, stateless synchronization point. Used when two or more threads need to exchange data. The threads will pair then block on each other until the exchange is complete.

  • *MVar:* Shared synchronization point. Used when one thread must give a value to another, which must take the value. The threads will block on each other until the exchange is complete.

  • *ThreadLocalVar:* Shared, mutable, isolated variable which holds a different value for each thread which has access. Often used as an instance variable in objects which must maintain different state for different threads.

  • *TVar:* Shared, mutable variables which provide coordinated, synchronous, change of many stated. Used when multiple value must change together, in an all-or-nothing transaction.

TVar and atomically implement a software transactional memory. A TVar is a single item container that always contains exactly one value. The atomically method allows you to modify a set of TVar objects with the guarantee that all of the updates are collectively atomic - they either all happen or none of them do - consistent - a TVar will never enter an illegal state - and isolated - atomic blocks never interfere with each other when they are running. You may recognise these properties from database transactions.

There are some very important and unusual semantics that you must be aware of:

  • Most importantly, the block that you pass to atomically may be executed more than once. In most cases your code should be free of side-effects, except for via TVar.

  • If an exception escapes an atomically block it will abort the transaction.

  • It is undefined behaviour to use callcc or Fiber with atomically.

  • If you create a new thread within an atomically, it will not be part of the transaction. Creating a thread counts as a side-effect.

We implement nested transactions by flattening.

We only support strong isolation if you use the API correctly. In order words, we do not support strong isolation.

Our implementation uses a very simple algorithm that locks each TVar when it is first read or written. If it cannot lock a TVar it aborts and retries. There is no contention manager so competing transactions may retry eternally.

require 'concurrent'

v1 = <code>TVar</code>.new(0)
v2 = <code>TVar</code>.new(0)

  Thread.new do
    while true
      Concurrent::atomically do
        t1 = v1.value
        t2 = v2.value
        raise [t1, t2].inspect if t1 != t2 # detect zombie transactions

  Thread.new do
    100_000.times do
      Concurrent::atomically do
        v1.value += 1
        v2.value += 1
}.each { |t| p t.join }

However, the inconsistent reads are detected correctly at commit time. This means the script below will always print [2000000, 200000].

require 'concurrent'

v1 = <code>TVar</code>.new(0)
v2 = <code>TVar</code>.new(0)

  Thread.new do
    while true
      Concurrent::atomically do
        t1 = v1.value
        t2 = v2.value

  Thread.new do
    100_000.times do
      Concurrent::atomically do
        v1.value += 1
        v2.value += 1
}.each { |t| p t.join }

p [v1.value, v2.value]

This is called a lack of opacity. In the future we will look at more advanced algorithms, contention management and using existing Java implementations when in JRuby.

=== Motivation

Consider an application that transfers money between bank accounts. We want to transfer money from one account to another. It is very important that we don't lose any money! But it is also important that we can handle many account transfers at the same time, so we run them concurrently, and probably also in parallel.

This code shows us transferring ten pounds from one account to another.

a = {BankAccount.new}(100_000)
b = {BankAccount.new}(100)

a.value -= 10
b.value += 10

Before we even start to talk about to talk about concurrency and parallelism, is this code safe? What happens if after removing money from account a, we get an exception? It's a slightly contrived example, but if the account totals were very large, adding to them could involve the stack allocation of a BigNum, and so could cause out of memory exceptions. In that case the money would have disappeared from account a, but not appeared in account b. Disaster!

So what do we really need to do?

a = {BankAccount.new}(100_000)
b = {BankAccount.new}(100)

original_a = a.value
a.value -= 10

  b.value += 10
rescue e =>
  a.value = original_a
  raise e

This rescues any exceptions raised when setting b and will roll back the change we have already made to b. We'll keep this rescue code in mind, but we'll leave it out of future examples for simplicity.

That might have made the code work when it only runs sequentially. Lets start to consider some concurrency. It's obvious that we want to make the transfer of money mutually exclusive with any other transfers - in order words it is a critical section.

The usual solution to this would be to use a lock.

lock.synchronize do
  a.value -= 10
  b.value += 10

That should work. Except we said we'd like these transfer to run concurrently, and in parallel. With a single lock like that we'll only let one transfer take place at a time. Perhaps we need more locks? We could have one per account:

a.lock.synchronize do
  b.lock.synchronize do
    a.value -= 10
    b.value += 10

However this is vulnerable to deadlock. If we tried to transfer from a to b, at the same time as from b to a, it's possible that the first transfer locks a, the second transfer locks b, and then they both sit there waiting forever to get the other lock. Perhaps we can solve that by applying a total ordering to the locks and always acquire them in the same order?

locks_needed = [a.lock, b.lock]
locks_in_order = locks_needed.sort{ |x, y| x.number <=> y.number }

locks_in_order[0].synchronize do
  locks_in_order[1].synchronize do
    a.value -= 10
    b.value += 10

That might work. But we need to know exactly what locks we're going to need before we start. If there were conditions in side the transfer this might be more complicated. We also need to remember the rescue code we had above to deal with exceptions. This is getting out of hand - and it's where TVar comes in.

We'll model the accounts as TVar - transactional variable, and instead of locks we'll use Concurrent::atomically.

a = {TVar.new}(100_000)
b = {TVar.new}(100)

{Concurrent.atomically} do
  a.value -= 10
  b.value += 10

That short piece of code effectively solves all the concerns we identified above. How it does it is described in the reference above. You just need to be happy that any two atomically blocks (we call them transactions) that use an overlapping set of TVar objects will appear to have happened as if there was a big global lock on them, and that if any exception is raised in the block, it will be as if the block never happened. But also keep in mind the important points we detailed right at the start of the article about side effects and repeated execution.

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Synchronization::Object - Inherited

.atomic_attribute?, .atomic_attributes,

Creates methods for reading and writing to a instance variable with volatile (Java) semantic as .attr_volatile does.


Creates methods for reading and writing (as attr_accessor does) to a instance variable with volatile (Java) semantic.


For testing purposes, quite slow.


Has to be called by children.

.safe_initialization!, .define_initialize_atomic_fields

Synchronization::AbstractObject - Inherited

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(value) ⇒ TVar

Create a new TVar with an initial value.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/tvar.rb', line 16

def initialize(value)
  @value = value
  @lock = Mutex.new

Instance Attribute Details

#unsafe_value (rw, private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/tvar.rb', line 36

def unsafe_value # :nodoc:

#unsafe_value=(value) (rw, private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/tvar.rb', line 41

def unsafe_value=(value) # :nodoc:
  @value = value

#value (rw)

Get the value of a TVar.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/tvar.rb', line 22

def value
  Concurrent::atomically do

#value=(value) (rw)

Set the value of a TVar.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/tvar.rb', line 29

def value=(value)
  Concurrent::atomically do
    Transaction::current.write(self, value)

Instance Method Details

#unsafe_lock (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/tvar.rb', line 46

def unsafe_lock # :nodoc: