
Class: Concurrent::IndirectImmediateExecutor



Intended for use primarily in testing and debugging.

An executor service which runs all operations on a new thread, blocking until it completes. Operations are performed in the order they are received and no two operations can be performed simultaneously.

This executor service exists mainly for testing an debugging. When used it immediately runs every #post operation on a new thread, blocking the current thread until the operation is complete. This is similar to how the ImmediateExecutor works, but the operation has the full stack of the new thread at its disposal. This can be helpful when the operations will spawn more operations on the same executor and so on - such a situation might overflow the single stack in case of an ImmediateExecutor, which is inconsistent with how it would behave for a threaded executor.

Constant Summary

Concern::Logging - Included


AbstractExecutorService - Inherited


Class Method Summary

ImmediateExecutor - Inherited


Creates a new executor.

AbstractExecutorService - Inherited


Create a new thread pool.

Instance Attribute Summary

ImmediateExecutor - Inherited


Is the executor running?


Is the executor shutdown?


Is the executor shuttingdown?

SerialExecutorService - Included


Does this executor guarantee serialization of its operations?

AbstractExecutorService - Inherited


Set the auto-terminate behavior for this executor.


Is the executor auto-terminate when the application exits?

#fallback_policy, #name,

Is the executor running?


Begin an orderly shutdown.


Is the executor shutdown?


Is the executor shuttingdown?


ExecutorService - Included


Does the task queue have a maximum size?


Does this executor guarantee serialization of its operations?

Instance Method Summary

ImmediateExecutor - Inherited


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Begin an orderly shutdown.


Block until executor shutdown is complete or until timeout seconds have passed.

AbstractExecutorService - Inherited


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Does the task queue have a maximum size?


Begin an immediate shutdown.


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Does this executor guarantee serialization of its operations?


Block until executor shutdown is complete or until timeout seconds have passed.


Returns an action which executes the fallback_policy once the queue size reaches max_queue.


Callback method called when the executor has been killed.


Callback method called when an orderly shutdown has completed.

Concern::Deprecation - Included

ExecutorService - Included


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.

Concern::Logging - Included


Logs through global_logger, it can be overridden by setting @logger.

Synchronization::LockableObject - Inherited

Constructor Details


Creates a new executor

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/executor/indirect_immediate_executor.rb', line 21

def initialize
  @internal_executor = SimpleExecutorService.new

Instance Method Details

#post(*args) { ... } ⇒ Boolean

Submit a task to the executor for asynchronous processing.


  • args (Array)

    zero or more arguments to be passed to the task


  • the asynchronous task to perform


  • (Boolean)

    true if the task is queued, false if the executor is not running


  • (ArgumentError)

    if no task is given

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/executor/indirect_immediate_executor.rb', line 27

def post(*args, &task)
  raise ArgumentError.new("no block given") unless block_given?
  return false unless running?

  event = Concurrent::Event.new
  @internal_executor.post do
