
Class: Capybara::Selector


All Selectors below support the listed selector specific filters in addition to the following system-wide filters

* :id (String, Regexp, XPath::Expression) - Matches the id attribute
* :class (String, Array<String | Regexp>, Regexp, XPath::Expression) - Matches the class(es) provided
* :style (String, Regexp, Hash<String, String>) - Match on elements style
* :above (Element) - Match elements above the passed element on the page
* :below (Element) - Match elements below the passed element on the page
* :left_of (Element) - Match elements left of the passed element on the page
* :right_of (Element) - Match elements right of the passed element on the page
* :near (Element) - Match elements near (within 50px) the passed element on the page
* :focused (Boolean) - Match elements with focus (requires driver support)

Built-in Selectors

  • :xpath - Select elements by ::XPath expression

    • Locator: An XPath expression

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<input>‘

    page.find :xpath, ‘.//input’ “‘

  • :css - Select elements by CSS selector

    • Locator: A CSS selector

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<input>‘

    page.find :css, ‘input’ “‘

  • :id - Select element by id

    • Locator: (String, Regexp, XPath::Expression) The id of the element to match

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<input id=“field”>‘

    page.find :id, ‘field’ “‘

  • :field - Select field elements (input [not of type submit, image, or hidden], textarea, select)

    • Locator: Matches against the id, test_id attribute, name, placeholder, or associated label text

    • Filters:

      * :name (String, Regexp) - Matches the name attribute
      * :placeholder (String, Regexp) - Matches the placeholder attribute
      * :type (String) - Matches the type attribute of the field or element type for 'textarea' and 'select'
      * :readonly (Boolean) - Match on the element being readonly
      * :with (String, Regexp) - Matches the current value of the field
      * :checked (Boolean) - Match checked fields?
      * :unchecked (Boolean) - Match unchecked fields?
      * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
      * :multiple (Boolean) - Match fields that accept multiple values
      * :valid (Boolean) - Match fields that are valid/invalid according to HTML5 form validation
      * :validation_message (String, Regexp) - Matches the elements current validationMessage

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<label for=“article_title”>Title</label>

    #     <input id="article_title" name="article[title]" value="Hello world">'

    page.find :field, ‘article_title’ page.find :field, ‘article’ page.find :field, ‘Title’ page.find :field, ‘Title’, type: ‘text’, with: ‘Hello world’ “‘

  • :fieldset - Select fieldset elements

    • Locator: Matches id, test_id, or contents of wrapped legend

    • Filters:

      * :legend (String) - Matches contents of wrapped legend
      * :disabled (Boolean) - Match disabled fieldset?

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<fieldset disabled>

    #       <legend>Fields (disabled)</legend>
    #     </fieldset>'

    page.find :fieldset, ‘Fields (disabled)’, disabled: true “‘

  • :link - Find links (‘<a>` elements with an href attribute)

    • Locator: Matches the id, test_id, or title attributes, or the string content of the link, or the alt attribute of a contained img element. By default this selector requires a link to have an href attribute.

    • Filters:

      * :title (String) - Matches the title attribute
      * :alt (String) - Matches the alt attribute of a contained img element
      * :href (String, Regexp, nil, false) - Matches the normalized href of the link, if nil will find `<a>` elements with no href attribute, if false ignores href presence

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<a href=“/”>Home</a>‘

    page.find :link, ‘Home’, href: ‘/’

    page.html # => ‘<a href=“/”><img src=“/logo.png” alt=“The logo”></a>’

    page.find :link, ‘The logo’, href: ‘/’ page.find :link, alt: ‘The logo’, href: ‘/’ “‘

  • :button - Find buttons ( input [of type submit, reset, image, button] or button elements )

    • Locator: Matches the id, test_id attribute, name, value, or title attributes, string content of a button, or the alt attribute of an image type button or of a descendant image of a button

    • Filters:

      * :name (String, Regexp) - Matches the name attribute
      * :title (String) - Matches the title attribute
      * :value (String) - Matches the value of an input button
      * :type (String) - Matches the type attribute
      * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled buttons (Default: false)

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<button>Submit</button>‘

    page.find :button, ‘Submit’

    page.html # => ‘<button name=“article” value=“draft”>Save as draft</button>’

    page.find :button, ‘Save as draft’, name: ‘article’, value: ‘draft’ “‘

  • :link_or_button - Find links or buttons

    • Locator: See :link and :button selectors

    • Filters:

      * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled buttons? (Default: false)

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<a href=“/”>Home</a>‘

    page.find :link_or_button, ‘Home’

    page.html # => ‘<button>Submit</button>’

    page.find :link_or_button, ‘Submit’ “‘

  • :fillable_field - Find text fillable fields ( textarea, input [not of type submit, image, radio, checkbox, hidden, file] )

    • Locator: Matches against the id, test_id attribute, name, placeholder, or associated label text

    • Filters:

      * :name (String, Regexp) - Matches the name attribute
      * :placeholder (String, Regexp) - Matches the placeholder attribute
      * :with (String, Regexp) - Matches the current value of the field
      * :type (String) - Matches the type attribute of the field or element type for 'textarea'
      * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
      * :multiple (Boolean) - Match fields that accept multiple values
      * :valid (Boolean) - Match fields that are valid/invalid according to HTML5 form validation
      * :validation_message (String, Regexp) - Matches the elements current validationMessage

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<label for=“article_body”>Body</label>

    #     <textarea id="article_body" name="article[body]"></textarea>'

    page.find :fillable_field, ‘article_body’ page.find :fillable_field, ‘article’ page.find :fillable_field, ‘Body’ page.find :field, ‘Body’, type: ‘textarea’ “‘

  • :radio_button - Find radio buttons

    • Locator: Match id, test_id attribute, name, or associated label text

    • Filters:

      * :name (String, Regexp) - Matches the name attribute
      * :checked (Boolean) - Match checked fields?
      * :unchecked (Boolean) - Match unchecked fields?
      * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
      * :option (String, Regexp) - Match the current value
      * :with - Alias of :option

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<input type=“radio” id=“article_state_published” name=“article” value=“published” checked>

    #     <label for="article_state_published">Published</label>
    #     <input type="radio" id="article_state_draft" name="article[state]" value="draft">
    #     <label for="article_state_draft">Draft</label>'

    page.find :radio_button, ‘article_state_published’ page.find :radio_button, ‘article’, option: ‘published’ page.find :radio_button, ‘Published’, checked: true page.find :radio_button, ‘Draft’, unchecked: true “‘

  • :checkbox - Find checkboxes

    • Locator: Match id, test_id attribute, name, or associated label text

    • Filters:

      * :name (String, Regexp) - Matches the name attribute
      * :checked (Boolean) - Match checked fields?
      * :unchecked (Boolean) - Match unchecked fields?
      * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
      * :with (String, Regexp) - Match the current value
      * :option - Alias of :with

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<input type=“checkbox” id=“registration_terms” name=“registration” value=“true”>

    #     <label for="registration_terms">I agree to terms and conditions</label>'

    page.find :checkbox, ‘registration_terms’ page.find :checkbox, ‘registration’ page.find :checkbox, ‘I agree to terms and conditions’, unchecked: true “‘

  • :select - Find select elements

    • Locator: Match id, test_id attribute, name, placeholder, or associated label text

    • Filters:

      * :name (String, Regexp) - Matches the name attribute
      * :placeholder (String, Placeholder) - Matches the placeholder attribute
      * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
      * :multiple (Boolean) - Match fields that accept multiple values
      * :options (Array<String>) - Exact match options
      * :enabled_options (Array<String>) - Exact match enabled options
      * :disabled_options (Array<String>) - Exact match disabled options
      * :with_options (Array<String>) - Partial match options
      * :selected (String, Array<String>) - Match the selection(s)
      * :with_selected (String, Array<String>) - Partial match the selection(s)

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<label for=“article_category”>Category</label>

    #     <select id="article_category" name="article[category]">
    #       <option value="General" checked></option>
    #       <option value="Other"></option>
    #     </select>'

    page.find :select, ‘article_category’ page.find :select, ‘article’ page.find :select, ‘Category’ page.find :select, ‘Category’, selected: ‘General’ page.find :select, with_options: [‘General’] page.find :select, with_options: [‘Other’] page.find :select, options: [‘General’, ‘Other’] page.find :select, options: [‘General’] # => raises Capybara::ElementNotFound “‘

  • :option - Find option elements

    • Locator: Match text of option

    • Filters:

      * :disabled (Boolean) - Match disabled option
      * :selected (Boolean) - Match selected option

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<option value=“General” checked></option>

    #     <option value="Disabled" disabled></option>
    #     <option value="Other"></option>'

    page.find :option, ‘General’ page.find :option, ‘General’, selected: true page.find :option, ‘Disabled’, disabled: true page.find :option, ‘Other’, selected: false “‘

  • :datalist_input - Find input field with datalist completion

    • Locator: Matches against the id, test_id attribute, name, placeholder, or associated label text

    • Filters:

      * :name (String, Regexp) - Matches the name attribute
      * :placeholder (String, Regexp) - Matches the placeholder attribute
      * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
      * :options (Array<String>) - Exact match options
      * :with_options (Array<String>) - Partial match options

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<label for=“ice_cream_flavor”>Flavor</label>

    #     <input list="ice_cream_flavors" id="ice_cream_flavor" name="ice_cream[flavor]">
    #     <datalist id="ice_cream_flavors">
    #       <option value="Chocolate"></option>
    #       <option value="Strawberry"></option>
    #       <option value="Vanilla"></option>
    #     </datalist>'

    page.find :datalist_input, ‘ice_cream_flavor’ page.find :datalist_input, ‘ice_cream’ page.find :datalist_input, ‘Flavor’ page.find :datalist_input, with_options: [‘Chocolate’, ‘Strawberry’] page.find :datalist_input, options: [‘Chocolate’, ‘Strawberry’, ‘Vanilla’] page.find :datalist_input, options: [‘Chocolate’] # => raises Capybara::ElementNotFound “‘

  • :datalist_option - Find datalist option

    • Locator: Match text or value of option

    • Filters:

      * :disabled (Boolean) - Match disabled option

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<datalist>

    #       <option value="Chocolate"></option>
    #       <option value="Strawberry"></option>
    #       <option value="Vanilla"></option>
    #       <option value="Forbidden" disabled></option>
    #     </datalist>'

    page.find :datalist_option, ‘Chocolate’ page.find :datalist_option, ‘Strawberry’ page.find :datalist_option, ‘Vanilla’ page.find :datalist_option, ‘Forbidden’, disabled: true “‘

  • :file_field - Find file input elements

    • Locator: Match id, test_id attribute, name, or associated label text

    • Filters:

      * :name (String, Regexp) - Matches the name attribute
      * :disabled (Boolean, :all) - Match disabled field? (Default: false)
      * :multiple (Boolean) - Match field that accepts multiple values

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<label for=“article_banner_image”>Banner Image</label>

    #     <input type="file" id="article_banner_image" name="article[banner_image]">'

    page.find :file_field, ‘article_banner_image’ page.find :file_field, ‘article’ page.find :file_field, ‘Banner Image’ page.find :file_field, ‘Banner Image’, name: ‘article’ page.find :field, ‘Banner Image’, type: ‘file’ “‘

  • :label - Find label elements

    • Locator: Match id, test_id, or text contents

    • Filters:

      * :for (Element, String, Regexp) - The element or id of the element associated with the label

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<label for=“article_title”>Title</label>

    #     <input id="article_title" name="article[title]">'

    page.find :label, ‘Title’ page.find :label, ‘Title’, for: ‘article_title’ page.find :label, ‘Title’, for: page.find(‘article’) “‘

  • :table - Find table elements

    • Locator: id, test_id, or caption text of table

    • Filters:

      * :caption (String) - Match text of associated caption
      * :with_rows (Array<Array<String>>, Array<Hash<String, String>>) - Partial match `<td>` data - visibility of `<td>` elements is not considered
      * :rows (Array<Array<String>>) - Match all `<td>`s - visibility of `<td>` elements is not considered
      * :with_cols (Array<Array<String>>, Array<Hash<String, String>>) - Partial match `<td>` data - visibility of `<td>` elements is not considered
      * :cols (Array<Array<String>>) - Match all `<td>`s - visibility of `<td>` elements is not considered

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<table>

    #       <caption>A table</caption>
    #       <tr>
    #         <th>A</th>
    #         <th>B</th>
    #       </tr>
    #       <tr>
    #         <td>1</td>
    #         <td>2</td>
    #       </tr>
    #       <tr>
    #         <td>3</td>
    #         <td>4</td>
    #       </tr>
    #     </table>'

    page.find :table, ‘A table’ page.find :table, with_rows: [

    { 'A' => '1', 'B' => '2' },
    { 'A' => '3', 'B' => '4' },

    ] page.find :table, with_rows: [

    ['1', '2'],
    ['3', '4'],

    ] page.find :table, rows: [

    { 'A' => '1', 'B' => '2' },
    { 'A' => '3', 'B' => '4' },

    ] page.find :table, rows: [

    ['1', '2'],
    ['3', '4'],

    ] page.find :table, rows: [ [‘1’, ‘2’] ] # => raises Capybara::ElementNotFound “‘

  • :table_row - Find table row

    • Locator: Array<String>, Hash<String, String> table row ‘<td>` contents - visibility of elements is not considered

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<table>

    #       <tr>
    #         <th>A</th>
    #         <th>B</th>
    #       </tr>
    #       <tr>
    #         <td>1</td>
    #         <td>2</td>
    #       </tr>
    #       <tr>
    #         <td>3</td>
    #         <td>4</td>
    #       </tr>
    #     </table>'

    page.find :table_row, ‘A’ => ‘1’, ‘B’ => ‘2’ page.find :table_row, ‘A’ => ‘3’, ‘B’ => ‘4’ “‘

  • :frame - Find frame/iframe elements

    • Locator: Match id, test_id attribute, or name

    • Filters:

      * :name (String) - Match name attribute

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<iframe id=“embed_frame” name=“embed” src=“example.com/embed”></iframe>‘

    page.find :frame, ‘embed_frame’ page.find :frame, ‘embed’ page.find :frame, name: ‘embed’ “‘

  • :element

    • Locator: Type of element (‘div’, ‘a’, etc) - if not specified defaults to ‘*’

    • Filters:

      * :\<any> (String, Regexp) - Match on any specified element attribute

    “‘ruby page.html # => ’<button type=“button” role=“menuitemcheckbox” aria-checked=“true”>Check me</button>

    page.find :element, ‘button’ page.find :element, type: ‘button’, text: ‘Check me’ page.find :element, role: ‘menuitemcheckbox’ page.find :element, role: /checkbox/, ‘aria-checked’: ‘true’ “‘

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(definition, config:, format:) ⇒ Selector

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 33

def initialize(definition, config:, format:)
  definition = self.class[definition] unless definition.is_a? Definition
  @definition = definition
  @config = config
  @format = format
  @errors = []

Class Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 10

def [](name)
  all.fetch(name.to_sym) { |sel_type| raise ArgumentError, "Unknown selector type (:#{sel_type})" }

.add(name, **options, &block)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 14

def add(name, **options, &block)
  all[name.to_sym] = Definition.new(name.to_sym, **options, &block)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 6

def all
  @definitions ||= {} # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 26

def for(locator)
  all.values.find { |sel| sel.match?(locator) }


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 22

def remove(name)

.update(name, &block)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 18

def update(name, &block)

Instance Attribute Details

#errors (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 31

attr_reader :errors

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 77

def add_error(error_msg)
  errors << error_msg

#builder(expr = nil)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 95

def builder(expr = nil)
  case format
  when :css
  when :xpath
    raise NotImplementedError, "No builder exists for selector of type #{default_format}"

#call(locator, **options)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 59

def call(locator, **options)
  if format
    raise ArgumentError, "Selector #{@name} does not support #{format}" unless expressions.key?(format)

    instance_exec(locator, **options, &expressions[format])
    warn 'Selector has no format'
  unless locator_valid?(locator)
      "Locator #{locator.class}:#{locator.inspect} for selector #{name.inspect} must #{locator_description}. " \
      'This will raise an error in a future version of Capybara. ' \
      "Called from: #{Capybara::Helpers.filter_backtrace(caller)}"


Alias for #format.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 45

alias_method :current_format, :format


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 47

def enable_aria_label


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 51

def enable_aria_role

#expression_for(name, locator, config: @config, format: current_format, **options)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 81

def expression_for(name, locator, config: @config, format: current_format, **options)
  Selector.new(name, config: config, format: format).call(locator, **options)

#find_by_attr(attribute, value) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 146

def find_by_attr(attribute, value)
  finder_name = "find_by_#{attribute}_attr"
  if respond_to?(finder_name, true)
    send(finder_name, value)
    value ? XPath.attr(attribute) == value : nil

#find_by_class_attr(classes) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 155

def find_by_class_attr(classes)
  Array(classes).map { |klass| XPath.attr(:class).contains_word(klass) }.reduce(:&)

#format Also known as: #current_format

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 42

def format
  @format || @definition.default_format

#locate_field(xpath, locator, **_options) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 126

def locate_field(xpath, locator, **_options)
  return xpath if locator.nil?

  locate_xpath = xpath # Need to save original xpath for the label wrap
  locator = locator.to_s
  attr_matchers = [XPath.attr(:id) == locator,
                   XPath.attr(:name) == locator,
                   XPath.attr(:placeholder) == locator,
                   XPath.attr(:id) == XPath.anywhere(:label)[XPath.string.n.is(locator)].attr(:for)].reduce(:|)
  attr_matchers |= XPath.attr(:'aria-label').is(locator) if enable_aria_label
  attr_matchers |= XPath.attr(test_id) == locator if test_id

  locate_xpath = locate_xpath[attr_matchers]
  locate_xpath + locate_label(locator).descendant(xpath)

#locate_label(locator) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 142

def locate_label(locator)

#locator_description (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 108

def locator_description
  locator_types.group_by { |lt| lt.is_a? Symbol }.map do |symbol, types_or_methods|
    if symbol
      "respond to #{types_or_methods.join(' or ')}"
      "be an instance of #{types_or_methods.join(' or ')}"
  end.join(' or ')

#locator_valid?(locator) ⇒ Boolean (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 118

def locator_valid?(locator)
  return true unless locator && locator_types

  locator_types&.any? do |type_or_method|
    type_or_method.is_a?(Symbol) ? locator.respond_to?(type_or_method) : type_or_method === locator # rubocop:disable Style/CaseEquality


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 55

def test_id


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/capybara/selector/selector.rb', line 86

def with_filter_errors(errors)
  old_errors = @errors
  @errors = errors
  @errors = old_errors