
Class: Gem::Platform

Relationships & Source Files
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/rubygems/platform.rb


Available list of platforms for targeting ::Gem installations.

See gem help platform for information on platform matching.

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

  • #==(other) (also: #eql?)

    Is other equal to this platform? Two platforms are equal if they have the same CPU, OS and version.

  • #===(other)

    Does other match this platform? Two platforms match if they have the same CPU, or either has a CPU of 'universal', they have the same OS, and they have the same version, or either has no version.

  • #=~(other)

    Does other match this platform? If other is a String it will be converted to a Platform first.

  • #eql?(other)

    Alias for #==.

  • #initialize(arch) ⇒ Platform constructor
  • #inspect
  • #to_a
  • #to_s

Constructor Details

#initialize(arch) ⇒ Platform

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 52

def initialize(arch)
  case arch
  when Array then
    @cpu, @os, @version = arch
  when String then
    arch = arch.split '-'

    if arch.length > 2 and arch.last !~ /\d/ then # reassemble x86-linux-gnu
      extra = arch.pop
      arch.last << "-#{extra}"

    cpu = arch.shift

    @cpu = case cpu
           when /i\d86/ then 'x86'
           else cpu

    if arch.length == 2 and arch.last =~ /^\d(\.\d)?$/ then # for command-line
      @os, @version = arch

    os, = arch
    @cpu, os = nil, cpu if os.nil? # legacy jruby

    @os, @version = case os
                    when /aix(\d+)?/ then             [ 'aix',       $1  ]
                    when /cygwin/ then                [ 'cygwin',    nil ]
                    when /darwin(\d+)?/ then          [ 'darwin',    $1  ]
                    when /^macruby$/ then             [ 'macruby',   nil ]
                    when /freebsd(\d+)?/ then         [ 'freebsd',   $1  ]
                    when /hpux(\d+)?/ then            [ 'hpux',      $1  ]
                    when /^java$/, /^jruby$/ then     [ 'java',      nil ]
                    when /^java([\d.]*)/ then         [ 'java',      $1  ]
                    when /^dalvik(\d+)?$/ then        [ 'dalvik',    $1  ]
                    when /^dotnet$/ then              [ 'dotnet',    nil ]
                    when /^dotnet([\d.]*)/ then       [ 'dotnet',    $1  ]
                    when /linux/ then                 [ 'linux',     $1  ]
                    when /mingw32/ then               [ 'mingw32',   nil ]
                    when /(mswin\d)(\_(\d))?/ then
                      os, version = $1, $3
                      @cpu = 'x86' if @cpu.nil? and os =~ /32$/
                      [os, version]
                    when /netbsdelf/ then             [ 'netbsdelf', nil ]
                    when /openbsd(\d\.\d)?/ then    [ 'openbsd',   $1  ]
                    when /bitrig(\d\.\d)?/ then     [ 'bitrig',    $1  ]
                    when /solaris(\d\.\d)?/ then    [ 'solaris',   $1  ]
                    # test
                    when /^(\w_platform)(\d)?/ then [ $1,          $2  ]
                    else                              [ 'unknown',   nil ]
  when Gem::Platform then
    @cpu = arch.cpu
    @os = arch.os
    @version = arch.version
    raise ArgumentError, "invalid argument #{arch.inspect}"

Class Method Details

.installable?(spec) ⇒ Boolean

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 33

def self.installable?(spec)
  if spec.respond_to? :installable_platform?
    match spec.platform


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 19

def self.local
  arch = RbConfig::CONFIG['arch']
  arch = "#{arch}_60" if arch =~ /mswin(?:32|64)$/
  @local ||= new(arch)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 25

def self.match(platform)
  Gem.platforms.any? do |local_platform|
    platform.nil? or
      local_platform == platform or
      (local_platform != Gem::Platform::RUBY and local_platform =~ platform)

Instance Attribute Details

#cpu (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 13

attr_accessor :cpu

#os (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 15

attr_accessor :os

#version (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 17

attr_accessor :version

Instance Method Details

#==(other) Also known as: #eql?

Is other equal to this platform? Two platforms are equal if they have the same CPU, OS and version.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 130

def ==(other)
  self.class === other and to_a == other.to_a


Does other match this platform? Two platforms match if they have the same CPU, or either has a CPU of 'universal', they have the same OS, and they have the same version, or either has no version.

Additionally, the platform will match if the local CPU is 'arm' and the other CPU starts with “arm” (for generic ARM family support).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 148

def ===(other)
  return nil unless Gem::Platform === other

  # cpu
  ([nil,'universal'].include?(@cpu) or [nil, 'universal'].include?(other.cpu) or @cpu == other.cpu or
  (@cpu == 'arm' and other.cpu =~ /\Aarm/)) and

  # os
  @os == other.os and

  # version
  (@version.nil? or other.version.nil? or @version == other.version)


Does other match this platform? If other is a String it will be converted to a Platform first. See #=== for matching rules.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 166

def =~(other)
  case other
  when Gem::Platform then # nop
  when String then
    # This data is from http://gems.rubyforge.org/gems/yaml on 19 Aug 2007
    other = case other
            when /^i686-darwin(\d)/     then ['x86',       'darwin',  $1    ]
            when /^i\d86-linux/         then ['x86',       'linux',   nil   ]
            when 'java', 'jruby'        then [nil,         'java',    nil   ]
            when /^dalvik(\d+)?$/       then [nil,         'dalvik',  $1    ]
            when /dotnet(\-(\d\.\d))?/ then ['universal','dotnet',  $2    ]
            when /mswin32(\_(\d+))?/    then ['x86',       'mswin32', $2    ]
            when /mswin64(\_(\d+))?/    then ['x64',       'mswin64', $2    ]
            when 'powerpc-darwin'       then ['powerpc',   'darwin',  nil   ]
            when /powerpc-darwin(\d)/   then ['powerpc',   'darwin',  $1    ]
            when /sparc-solaris2.8/     then ['sparc',     'solaris', '2.8' ]
            when /universal-darwin(\d)/ then ['universal', 'darwin',  $1    ]
            else                             other

    other = Gem::Platform.new other
    return nil

  self === other


Alias for #==.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 134

alias :eql? :==


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 114

def inspect
  "%s @cpu=%p, @os=%p, @version=%p>" % [super[0..-2], *to_a]


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 118

def to_a
  [@cpu, @os, @version]


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/platform.rb', line 122

def to_s
  to_a.compact.join '-'