
Class: Gem::InstallerTestCase

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, TestCase, MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
Instance Chain:
self, TestCase, DefaultUserInteraction, Text, MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
Inherits: Gem::TestCase
  • Object
Defined in: lib/rubygems/installer_test_case.rb


A test case for Installer.

Class Attribute Summary

TestCase - Inherited


Returns whether or not we're on a version of Ruby built with VC++ (or Borland) versus Cygwin, Mingw, etc.


Is this test being run on a Windows platform?

Class Method Summary

TestCase - Inherited


Returns the path to the certificate named cert_name from test/rubygems/.


Returns the path to the key named key_name from test/rubygems.


Loads certificate named cert_name from test/rubygems/.


Loads an RSA private key named key_name with passphrase in test/rubygems/.


Returns the make command for the current platform.


Allows tests to use a random (but controlled) port number instead of a hardcoded one.


Finds the path to the Ruby executable.

Instance Attribute Summary

TestCase - Inherited


Skips this test unless you have a git executable.


Returns whether or not the nmake command could be found.


Returns whether or not we're on a version of Ruby built with VC++ (or Borland) versus Cygwin, Mingw, etc.


Is this test being run on a Windows platform?

DefaultUserInteraction - Included

Instance Method Summary

TestCase - Inherited


Add spec to @fetcher serving the data in the file path.

#all_spec_names, #assert_activate, #assert_contains_make_command,

TODO: move to minitest.


Allows the proper version of rake to be used for the test.

#common_installer_setup, #common_installer_teardown,

creates a temporary directory with hax TODO: deprecate and remove.


Construct a new Dependency.


Constructs a Resolver::DependencyRequest from a Dependency dep, a from_name and from_version requesting the dependency and a parent DependencyRequest.


Sets the ENABLE_SHARED entry in RbConfig::CONFIG to value and restores the original value when the block ends.


A git_gem is used with a gem dependencies file.


Installs the provided default specs including writing the spec file.


Install the provided default specs.


Builds and installs the Specification spec


Builds and installs the Specification spec into the user dir.


Install the provided specs.


Returns the make command for the current platform.


Enables pretty-print for all tests.

#new_default_spec, #parse_make_command_line,

See .process_based_port


Creates a Specification with a minimum of extra work.


Reads a binary file at path


Reads a Marshal file at path


TODO: move to minitest.


Constructs a new Requirement.


create_gemspec creates gem specification in given directory or '.' for the given name and version.

#save_loaded_features, #scan_make_command_lines,

#setup prepares a sandboxed location to install gems.


Constructs a new Specification.


Creates a SpecFetcher pre-filled with the gems or specs defined in the block.


#teardown restores the process to its original state and removes the tempdir unless the KEEP_FILES environment variable was set.


Uninstalls the Specification spec


Builds a gem from spec and places it in File.join @gemhome, 'cache'.


Removes all installed gems from @gemhome.


Creates a gem with name, version and deps.


Gzips data.


Creates several default gems which all have a lib/code.rb file.

#util_remove_gem, #util_restore_RUBY_VERSION,

Set the platform to arch


Sets up a fake fetcher using the gems from #util_make_gems.


Sets up SpecFetcher to return information from the gems in specs.


Creates a spec with name, version.


Deflates data


Construct a new Version.


A vendor_gem is used with a gem dependencies file.


In case we're building docs in a background process, this method waits for that process to exit (or if it's already been reaped, or never happened, swallows the Errno::ECHILD error).


Writes a binary file to path which is relative to @gemhome.

DefaultUserInteraction - Included

Text - Included


Remove any non-printable characters and make the text suitable for printing.


Wraps text to wrap characters and optionally indents by indent characters.


This code is based directly on the Text gem implementation Returns a value representing the “cost” of transforming str1 into str2.


Instance Method Details



the path to a built gem from @spec


the path to a built gem from @user_spec


a Gem::Installer for the @spec that installs into @gemhome


a Gem::Installer for the @user_spec that installs into Gem.user_dir

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/installer_test_case.rb', line 86

def setup

  @spec = quick_gem 'a' do |spec|
    util_make_exec spec

  @user_spec = quick_gem 'b' do |spec|
    util_make_exec spec

  util_build_gem @spec
  util_build_gem @user_spec

  @gem = @spec.cache_file
  @user_gem = @user_spec.cache_file

  @installer      = util_installer @spec, @gemhome
  @user_installer = util_installer @user_spec, Gem.user_dir, :user

  Gem::Installer.path_warning = false


The path where installed executables live

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/installer_test_case.rb', line 122

def util_inst_bindir
  File.join @gemhome, "bin"

#util_installer(spec, gem_home, user = false)

Creates an installer for spec that will install into gem_home. If user is true a user-install will be performed.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/installer_test_case.rb', line 189

def util_installer(spec, gem_home, user=false)
                     :install_dir => gem_home,
                     :user_install => user)

#util_make_exec(spec = @spec, shebang = "#!/usr/bin/ruby")

Adds an executable named “executable” to spec with the given shebang.

The executable is also written to the bin dir in @tmpdir and the installed gem directory for spec.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/installer_test_case.rb', line 132

def util_make_exec(spec = @spec, shebang = "#!/usr/bin/ruby")
  spec.executables = %w[executable]
  spec.files << 'bin/executable'

  exec_path = spec.bin_file "executable"
  write_file exec_path do |io|
    io.puts shebang

  bin_path = File.join @tempdir, "bin", "executable"
  write_file bin_path do |io|
    io.puts shebang

#util_setup_gem(ui = @ui)

Builds the @spec gem and returns an installer for it. The built gem includes:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/installer_test_case.rb', line 155

def util_setup_gem(ui = @ui) # HACK fix use_ui to make this automatic
  @spec.files << File.join('lib', 'code.rb')
  @spec.extensions << File.join('ext', 'a', 'mkrf_conf.rb')

  Dir.chdir @tempdir do
    FileUtils.mkdir_p 'bin'
    FileUtils.mkdir_p 'lib'
    FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join('ext', 'a')
    File.open File.join('bin', 'executable'), 'w' do |f|
      f.puts "raise 'ran executable'"
    File.open File.join('lib', 'code.rb'), 'w' do |f| f.puts '1' end
    File.open File.join('ext', 'a', 'mkrf_conf.rb'), 'w' do |f|
      f << <<-EOF
        File.open 'Rakefile', 'w' do |rf| rf.puts "task :default" end

    yield @spec if block_given?

    use_ui ui do
      FileUtils.rm_f @gem

      @gem = Gem::Package.build @spec

  @installer = Gem::Installer.at @gem