
Class: Gem::DependencyInstaller

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb


Installs a gem along with all its dependencies from local and remote gems.

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

DefaultUserInteraction - Included

Instance Method Summary

UserInteraction - Included


Displays an alert statement.


Displays an error statement to the error output location.


Displays a warning statement to the warning output location.


Asks a question and returns the answer.


Asks for a password with a prompt


Asks a yes or no question.


Asks the user to answer question with an answer from the given list.


Displays the given statement on the standard output (or equivalent).


Terminates the RubyGems process with the given exit_code


Calls say with msg or the results of the block if really_verbose is true.

DefaultUserInteraction - Included

Text - Included


Remove any non-printable characters and make the text suitable for printing.


Wraps text to wrap characters and optionally indents by indent characters.


This code is based directly on the Text gem implementation Returns a value representing the “cost” of transforming str1 into str2.


Constructor Details

.new(options = {}) ⇒ DependencyInstaller

Creates a new installer instance.

Options are:


Alternate repository path to store .gem files in.


:local, :remote, or :both. :local only searches gems in the current directory. :remote searches only gems in Gem::sources. :both searches both.


See Installer.new.


See Installer#install.


See Gem::Installer#initialize.


Don't install any dependencies.


See Installer#install.


Allow prerelease versions. See #install.


See Installer.new and Security.


See Installer.new


See Installer.new


See Installer.new

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb', line 73

def initialize options = {}
  @only_install_dir = !!options[:install_dir]
  @install_dir = options[:install_dir] || Gem.dir
  @build_root = options[:build_root]

  options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge options

  @bin_dir             = options[:bin_dir]
  @dev_shallow         = options[:dev_shallow]
  @development         = options[:development]
  @document            = options[:document]
  @domain              = options[:domain]
  @env_shebang         = options[:env_shebang]
  @force               = options[:force]
  @format_executable   = options[:format_executable]
  @ignore_dependencies = options[:ignore_dependencies]
  @prerelease          = options[:prerelease]
  @security_policy     = options[:security_policy]
  @user_install        = options[:user_install]
  @wrappers            = options[:wrappers]
  @build_args          = options[:build_args]
  @build_docs_in_background = options[:build_docs_in_background]
  @install_as_default  = options[:install_as_default]

  # Indicates that we should not try to update any deps unless
  # we absolutely must.
  @minimal_deps        = options[:minimal_deps]

  @available      = nil
  @installed_gems = []
  @toplevel_specs = nil

  @cache_dir = options[:cache_dir] || @install_dir

  @errors = []

Instance Attribute Details

#consider_local?Boolean (readonly)

Indicated, based on the requested domain, if local gems should be considered.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb', line 183

def consider_local?
  @domain == :both or @domain == :local

#consider_remote?Boolean (readonly)

Indicated, based on the requested domain, if remote gems should be considered.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb', line 191

def consider_remote?
  @domain == :both or @domain == :remote

#document (readonly)

Documentation types. For use by the Gem.done_installing hook

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb', line 36

attr_reader :document

#errors (readonly)

Errors from SpecFetcher while searching for remote specifications

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb', line 41

attr_reader :errors

#installed_gems (readonly)

List of gems installed by #install in alphabetic order

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb', line 52

attr_reader :installed_gems

Instance Method Details

#find_spec_by_name_and_version(gem_name, version = Gem::Requirement.default, prerelease = false)

Finds a spec and the source_uri it came from for gem gem_name and version. Returns an Array of specs and sources required for installation of the gem.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb', line 275

def find_spec_by_name_and_version gem_name,
                                  version = Gem::Requirement.default,
                                  prerelease = false
  set = Gem::AvailableSet.new

  if consider_local?
    if gem_name =~ /\.gem$/ and File.file? gem_name then
      src = Gem::Source::SpecificFile.new(gem_name)
      set.add src.spec, src
    elsif gem_name =~ /\.gem$/ then
      Dir[gem_name].each do |name|
          src = Gem::Source::SpecificFile.new name
          set.add src.spec, src
        rescue Gem::Package::FormatError
      local = Gem::Source::Local.new

      if s = local.find_gem(gem_name, version)
        set.add s, local

  if set.empty?
    dep = Gem::Dependency.new gem_name, version
    dep.prerelease = true if prerelease

    set = find_gems_with_sources(dep, true)

  if set.empty?
    raise Gem::SpecificGemNotFoundException.new(gem_name, version, @errors)

  @available = set

#install(dep_or_name, version = Gem::Requirement.default)

Installs the gem dep_or_name and all its dependencies. Returns an Array of installed gem specifications.

If the :prerelease option is set and there is a prerelease for dep_or_name the prerelease version will be installed.

Unless explicitly specified as a prerelease dependency, prerelease gems that dep_or_name depend on will not be installed.

If c-1.a depends on b-1 and a-1.a and there is a gem b-1.a available then c-1.a, b-1 and a-1.a will be installed. b-1.a will need to be installed separately.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb', line 383

def install dep_or_name, version = Gem::Requirement.default
  request_set = resolve_dependencies dep_or_name, version

  @installed_gems = []

  options = {
    :bin_dir             => @bin_dir,
    :build_args          => @build_args,
    :document            => @document,
    :env_shebang         => @env_shebang,
    :force               => @force,
    :format_executable   => @format_executable,
    :ignore_dependencies => @ignore_dependencies,
    :prerelease          => @prerelease,
    :security_policy     => @security_policy,
    :user_install        => @user_install,
    :wrappers            => @wrappers,
    :build_root          => @build_root,
    :install_as_default  => @install_as_default
  options[:install_dir] = @install_dir if @only_install_dir

  request_set.install options do |_, installer|
    @installed_gems << installer.spec if installer


  # Since this is currently only called for docs, we can be lazy and just say
  # it's documentation. Ideally the hook adder could decide whether to be in
  # the background or not, and what to call it.
  in_background "Installing documentation" do
    Gem.done_installing_hooks.each do |hook|
      hook.call self, @installed_gems
  end unless Gem.done_installing_hooks.empty?
