
Class: REXML::NotationDecl

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Child
Instance Chain:
self, Child, Node
Inherits: REXML::Child
Defined in: lib/rexml/doctype.rb

Class Method Summary

Child - Inherited



Instance Attribute Summary

Child - Inherited


Sets the next sibling of this child.


The Parent of this object.


Sets the parent of this child to the supplied argument.


Sets the previous sibling of this child.

Node - Included

Instance Method Summary

Child - Inherited


This doesn't yet handle encodings.


the document this child belongs to, or nil if this child belongs to no document.


Removes this child from the parent.


Replaces this object with another object.

Node - Included


Visit all subnodes of self recursively.


Find (and return) first subnode (recursively) for which the block evaluates to true.


Returns the position that self holds in its parent's array, indexed from 1.

#next_sibling_node, #previous_sibling_node,

Constructor Details

.new(name, middle, pub, sys) ⇒ NotationDecl

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rexml/doctype.rb', line 243

def initialize name, middle, pub, sys
  @name = name
  @middle = middle
  @public = pub
  @system = sys

Instance Attribute Details

#public (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rexml/doctype.rb', line 242

attr_accessor :public, :system

#system (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rexml/doctype.rb', line 242

attr_accessor :public, :system

Instance Method Details


This method retrieves the name of the notation.

Method contributed by Henrik Martensson

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rexml/doctype.rb', line 266

def name


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rexml/doctype.rb', line 251

def to_s
  notation = "<!NOTATION #{@name} #{@middle}"
  notation << " #{@public.inspect}" if @public
  notation << " #{@system.inspect}" if @system
  notation << ">"

#write(output, indent = -1 ))

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rexml/doctype.rb', line 259

def write( output, indent=-1 )
  output << to_s