
Class: REXML::Formatters::Transitive

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Default
Instance Chain:
self, Default
Inherits: REXML::Formatters::Default
Defined in: lib/rexml/formatters/transitive.rb


The Transitive formatter writes an XML document that parses to an identical document as the source document. This means that no extra whitespace nodes are inserted, and whitespace within text nodes is preserved. Within these constraints, the document is pretty-printed, with whitespace inserted into the metadata to introduce formatting.

Note that this is only useful if the original XML is not already formatted. Since this formatter does not alter whitespace nodes, the results of formatting already formatted XML will be odd.

Class Method Summary

Default - Inherited


Prints out the XML document with no formatting – except if id_hack is set.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(indentation = 2, ie_hack = false) ⇒ Transitive

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rexml/formatters/transitive.rb', line 16

def initialize( indentation=2, ie_hack=false )
  @indentation = indentation
  @level = 0
  @ie_hack = ie_hack

Instance Method Details

#write_element(node, output) (protected)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rexml/formatters/transitive.rb', line 23

def write_element( node, output )
  output << "<#{node.expanded_name}"

  node.attributes.each_attribute do |attr|
    output << " "
    attr.write( output )
  end unless node.attributes.empty?

  output << "\n"
  output << ' '*@level
  if node.children.empty?
    output << " " if @ie_hack
    output << "/"
    output << ">"
    # If compact and all children are text, and if the formatted output
    # is less than the specified width, then try to print everything on
    # one line
    @level += @indentation
    node.children.each { |child|
      write( child, output )
    @level -= @indentation
    output << "</#{node.expanded_name}"
    output << "\n"
    output << ' '*@level
  output << ">"

#write_text(node, output) (protected)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rexml/formatters/transitive.rb', line 53

def write_text( node, output )
  output << node.to_s()