
Class: OpenSSL::OCSP::BasicResponse

Relationships & Source Files
Inherits: Object
Defined in: ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c


An BasicResponse contains the status of a certificate check which is created from an Request. A BasicResponse is more detailed than a Response.

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(der_string = nil) ⇒ basic_response

Creates a new BasicResponse. If der_string is given, decodes der_string as DER.

Instance Method Details

#add_nonce(nonce = nil)

Adds nonce to this response. If no nonce was provided a random nonce will be added.

#add_status(certificate_id, status, reason, revocation_time, this_update, next_update, extensions) ⇒ basic_response

Adds a certificate status for certificate_id. #status is the status, and must be one of these:

reason and revocation_time can be given only when #status is V_CERTSTATUS_REVOKED. reason describes the reason for the revocation, and must be one of OpenSSL::OCSP::REVOKED_STATUS_* constants. revocation_time is the time when the certificate is revoked.

this_update and next_update indicate the time at which ths status is verified to be correct and the time at or before which newer information will be available, respectively. next_update is optional.

extensions is an Array of ::OpenSSL::X509::Extension to be included in the SingleResponse. This is also optional.

Note that the times, revocation_time, this_update and next_update can be specified in either of ::Integer or Time object. If they are ::Integer, it is treated as the relative seconds from the current time.

#copy_nonce(request) ⇒ Integer

Copies the nonce from request into this response. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.

#find_response(certificate_id) ⇒ SingleResponse | nil

Returns a SingleResponse whose CertId matches with certificate_id, or nil if this BasicResponse does not contain it.

#responsesArray of SingleResponse

Returns an Array of SingleResponse for this BasicResponse.

#sign(cert, key, certs = nil, flags = 0, digest = nil) ⇒ self

Signs this ::OpenSSL::OCSP response using the cert, key and optional digest. This behaves in the similar way as Request#sign.

flags can include:


don't include certificates


don't set producedAt


use signer's public key hash as responderID


Returns an Array of statuses for this response. Each status contains a CertificateId, the status (0 for good, 1 for revoked, 2 for unknown), the reason for the status, the revocation time, the time of this update, the time for the next update and a list of OpenSSL::X509::Extensions.

This should be superseded by #responses and #find_response that return SingleResponse.


Encodes this basic response into a DER-encoded string.

#verify(certificates, store, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean

Verifies the signature of the response using the given certificates and store. This works in the similar way as Request#verify.