
Class: Shell::Tee

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
self, BuiltInCommand, Filter, Enumerable
Inherits: Shell::BuiltInCommand
Defined in: lib/shell/builtin-command.rb

Class Method Summary

Filter - Inherited

Instance Attribute Summary

BuiltInCommand - Inherited

Filter - Inherited

Instance Method Summary

Filter - Inherited


Outputs filter1, and then filter2 using Join.new


Inputs from source, which is either a string of a file name or an IO object.


Outputs from source, which is either a string of a file name or an IO object.


Appends the output to source, which is either a string of a file name or an IO object.


Iterates a block for each line.

#inspect, #to_a, #to_s,

Processes a pipeline.

Constructor Details

.new(sh, filename) ⇒ Tee

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/shell/builtin-command.rb', line 120

def initialize(sh, filename)
  super sh
  @to_filename = filename

Instance Method Details

#each(rs = nil)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/shell/builtin-command.rb', line 125

def each(rs = nil)
  to = @shell.open(@to_filename, "w")
    super{|l| to << l; yield l}