
Class: Rake::SshDirPublisher

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Rake::RubyForgePublisher, SshFreshDirPublisher
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/rake/contrib/sshpublisher.rb


Publish an entire directory to an existing remote directory using SSH.

Constant Summary

::FileUtils - Included


FileUtilsExt - Included


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

DSL - Included


Describes the next rake task.


Declare a set of files tasks to create the given directories on demand.


Declare a file task.


Declare a file creation task.


Import the partial Rakefiles fn.


Declare a task that performs its prerequisites in parallel.


Create a new rake namespace and use it for evaluating the given block.


Declare a rule for auto-tasks.


Declare a basic task.

FileUtilsExt - Included


Get/set the nowrite flag controlling output from the ::FileUtils utilities.


Check that the options do not contain options not listed in optdecl.


Merge the given options with the default values.


Send the message to the default rake output (which is $stderr).


Get/set the verbose flag controlling output from the ::FileUtils utilities.


Use this function to prevent potentially destructive ruby code from running when the :nowrite flag is set.

::FileUtils - Included


Run a Ruby interpreter with the given arguments.


Attempt to do a normal file link, but fall back to a copy if the link fails.


Run the system command cmd.


Split a file path into individual directory names.

Constructor Details

.new(host, remote_dir, local_dir) ⇒ SshDirPublisher

Creates an SSH publisher which will scp all files in local_dir to remote_dir on host

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/contrib/sshpublisher.rb', line 14

def initialize(host, remote_dir, local_dir)
  @host = host
  @remote_dir = remote_dir
  @local_dir = local_dir

Instance Method Details


Uploads the files

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/contrib/sshpublisher.rb', line 22

def upload
  sh "scp", "-rq", "#{@local_dir}/*", "#{@host}:#{@remote_dir}"