Class: Enumerator::Lazy
Relationships & Source Files | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: |
Defined in: | enumerator.c |
Class Method Summary
.new(obj, size = nil) {|yielder, *values| ... }
Creates a new
::Enumerator - Inherited
.new | Creates a new ::Enumerator object, which can be used as an ::Enumerable. |
Instance Attribute Summary
::Enumerable - Included
Instance Method Summary
- #chunk(*args) (also: #slice_before, #slice_after, #slice_when)
Alias for #map.
#collect_concat {|obj| ... } ⇒ Lazy
Alias for #flat_map.
- #drop(n)
- #drop_while
#enum_for(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Lazy
Alias for #to_enum.
Alias for #select.
#flat_map {|obj| ... } ⇒ Lazy
(also: #collect_concat)
Returns a new lazy enumerator with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in lazy.
#force(*args) ⇒ Array
Alias for Enumerable#to_a.
- #grep(pattern)
- #grep_v(pattern)
- #lazy
- #map (also: #collect)
- #reject
- #select (also: #find_all)
Alias for #chunk.
Alias for #chunk.
Alias for #chunk.
- #take(n)
- #take_while
#to_enum(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Lazy
(also: #enum_for)
Similar to Object#to_enum, except it returns a lazy enumerator.
- #zip(*args)
::Enumerator - Inherited
#each | Iterates over the block according to how this ::Enumerator was constructed. |
#each_with_index | Same as Enumerator#with_index(0), i.e. there is no starting offset. |
#each_with_object | Alias for #with_object. |
#feed | Sets the value to be returned by the next yield inside |
#inspect | Creates a printable version of e. |
#next | Returns the next object in the enumerator, and move the internal position forward. |
#next_values | Returns the next object as an array in the enumerator, and move the internal position forward. |
#peek | Returns the next object in the enumerator, but doesn't move the internal position forward. |
#peek_values | Returns the next object as an array, similar to #next_values, but doesn't move the internal position forward. |
#rewind | Rewinds the enumeration sequence to the beginning. |
#size | Returns the size of the enumerator, or |
#with_index | Iterates the given block for each element with an index, which starts from |
#with_object | Iterates the given block for each element with an arbitrary object, |
::Enumerable - Included
#chunk | Enumerates over the items, chunking them together based on the return value of the block. |
#chunk_while | Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements. |
#collect | Alias for Enumerable#map. |
#collect_concat | Alias for Enumerable#flat_map. |
#count | Returns the number of items in |
#cycle | Calls block for each element of enum repeatedly n times or forever if none or |
#detect | Alias for Enumerable#find. |
#drop | Drops first n elements from enum, and returns rest elements in an array. |
#drop_while | Drops elements up to, but not including, the first element for which the block returns |
#each_cons | Iterates the given block for each array of consecutive <n> elements. |
#each_entry | Calls block once for each element in |
#each_slice | Iterates the given block for each slice of <n> elements. |
#each_with_index | Calls block with two arguments, the item and its index, for each item in enum. |
#each_with_object | Iterates the given block for each element with an arbitrary object given, and returns the initially given object. |
#entries | Alias for Enumerable#to_a. |
#find | Passes each entry in enum to block. |
#find_all | Alias for Enumerable#select. |
#find_index | Compares each entry in enum with value or passes to block. |
#first | Returns the first element, or the first |
#flat_map | Returns a new array with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in enum. |
#grep | Returns an array of every element in enum for which |
#grep_v | Inverted version of Enumerable#grep. |
#group_by | Groups the collection by result of the block. |
#include? | Alias for Enumerable#member?. |
#inject | Combines all elements of enum by applying a binary operation, specified by a block or a symbol that names a method or operator. |
#lazy | Returns a lazy enumerator, whose methods map/collect, flat_map/collect_concat, select/find_all, reject, grep, grep_v, zip, take, take_while, drop, and drop_while enumerate values only on an as-needed basis. |
#map | Returns a new array with the results of running block once for every element in enum. |
#max | Returns the object in enum with the maximum value. |
#max_by | Returns the object in enum that gives the maximum value from the given block. |
#member? | Returns |
#min | Returns the object in enum with the minimum value. |
#min_by | Returns the object in enum that gives the minimum value from the given block. |
#minmax | Returns a two element array which contains the minimum and the maximum value in the enumerable. |
#minmax_by | Returns a two element array containing the objects in enum that correspond to the minimum and maximum values respectively from the given block. |
#partition | Returns two arrays, the first containing the elements of enum for which the block evaluates to true, the second containing the rest. |
#reduce | Alias for Enumerable#inject. |
#reject | Returns an array for all elements of |
#reverse_each | Builds a temporary array and traverses that array in reverse order. |
#select | Returns an array containing all elements of |
#slice_after | Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements. |
#slice_before | Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements. |
#slice_when | Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements. |
#sort | Returns an array containing the items in enum sorted, either according to their own |
#sort_by | Sorts enum using a set of keys generated by mapping the values in enum through the given block. |
#take | Returns first n elements from enum. |
#take_while | Passes elements to the block until the block returns |
#to_a | Returns an array containing the items in enum. |
#to_h | Returns the result of interpreting enum as a list of |
#zip | Takes one element from enum and merges corresponding elements from each args. |
Constructor Details
.new(obj, size = nil) {|yielder, *values| ... }
Creates a new Lazy
enumerator. When the enumerator is actually enumerated (e.g. by calling #force), obj
will be enumerated and each value passed to the given block. The block can yield values back using yielder
. For example, to create a method filter_map
in both lazy and non-lazy fashions:
module Enumerable
def filter_map(&block)
class Enumerator::Lazy
def filter_map do |yielder, *values|
result = yield *values
yielder << result if result
(1..Float::INFINITY).lazy.filter_map{|i| i*i if i.even?}.first(5)
# => [4, 16, 36, 64, 100]
Instance Method Details
#chunk(*args) Also known as: #slice_before, #slice_after, #slice_when
Alias for #map.
#collect_concat {|obj| ... } ⇒ Lazy
#flat_map {|obj| ... } ⇒ Lazy
#flat_map {|obj| ... } ⇒ Lazy
Alias for #flat_map.
#to_enum(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Lazy
#enum_for(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Lazy
#to_enum(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Lazy
#enum_for(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Lazy
#enum_for(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Lazy
#to_enum(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Lazy
#enum_for(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Lazy
Alias for #to_enum.
Alias for #select.
#collect_concat {|obj| ... } ⇒ Lazy
#flat_map {|obj| ... } ⇒ Lazy
Also known as: #collect_concat
#flat_map {|obj| ... } ⇒ Lazy
Returns a new lazy enumerator with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in lazy.
["foo", "bar"].lazy.flat_map {|i| i.each_char.lazy}.force
#=> ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]
A value x returned by block is decomposed if either of the following conditions is true:
a) <i>x</i> responds to both each and force, which means that
<i>x</i> is a lazy enumerator.
b) <i>x</i> is an array or responds to to_ary.
Otherwise, x is contained as-is in the return value.
[{a:1}, {b:2}].lazy.flat_map {|i| i}.force
#=> [{:a=>1}, {:b=>2}]
#force(*args) ⇒ Array
Alias for Enumerable#to_a.
#map Also known as: #collect
#select Also known as: #find_all
Alias for #chunk.
Alias for #chunk.
Alias for #chunk.
#to_enum(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Lazy
#enum_for(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Lazy
#to_enum(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Lazy
#enum_for(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Lazy
Also known as: #enum_for
#enum_for(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Lazy
#to_enum(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Lazy
#enum_for(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Lazy
Similar to Object#to_enum, except it returns a lazy enumerator. This makes it easy to define ::Enumerable methods that will naturally remain lazy if called from a lazy enumerator.
For example, continuing from the example in Object#to_enum:
# See Kernel#to_enum for the definition of repeat
r = 1..Float::INFINITY
r.repeat(2).first(5) # => [1, 1, 2, 2, 3]
r.repeat(2).class # => Enumerator
r.repeat(2).map{|n| n ** 2}.first(5) # => endless loop!
# works naturally on lazy enumerator:
r.lazy.repeat(2).class # => Enumerator::Lazy
r.lazy.repeat(2).map{|n| n ** 2}.first(5) # => [1, 1, 4, 4, 9]