
Class: WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: WEBrick::HTTPServer
Defined in: lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb


An HTTP Proxy server which proxies GET, HEAD and POST requests.

To create a simple proxy server:

require 'webrick'
require 'webrick/httpproxy'

proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new Port: 8000

trap 'INT'  do proxy.shutdown end
trap 'TERM' do proxy.shutdown end


See .new for proxy-specific configuration items.

Modifying proxied responses

To modify content the proxy server returns use the :ProxyContentHandler option:

handler = proc do |req, res|
  if res['content-type'] == 'text/plain' then
    res.body << "\nThis content was proxied!\n"

proxy =
  WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new Port: 8000, ProxyContentHandler: handler

Class Method Summary

HTTPServer - Inherited


Creates a new HTTP server according to config

GenericServer - Inherited


Creates a new generic server from config.

Instance Attribute Summary

GenericServer - Inherited


The server configuration.


Sockets listening for connections.


The server logger.


The server status.


Tokens control the number of outstanding clients.

Instance Method Summary

HTTPServer - Inherited


Logs req and res in the access logs.


The default OPTIONS request handler says GET, HEAD, POST and OPTIONS requests are allowed.


Finds the appropriate virtual host to handle req


Mounts servlet on dir passing options to the servlet at creation time.


Mounts proc or block on dir and calls it with a HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse


Processes requests on sock


Finds a servlet for path


Services req and fills in res


Unmounts dir


Adds server as a virtual host.

GenericServer - Inherited


Retrieves key from the configuration.


You must subclass GenericServer and implement #run which accepts a TCP client socket.


Shuts down the server and all listening sockets.


Starts the server and runs the block for each connection.


Stops the server from accepting new connections.

Constructor Details

.new(config = {}, default = Config::HTTP) ⇒ HTTPProxyServer

Proxy server configurations. The proxy server handles the following configuration items in addition to those supported by HTTPServer:


Called with a request and response to authorize a request


Appended to the via header


The proxy server's URI


Called with a request and response and allows modification of the response


Sets the proxy timeouts to 30 seconds for open and 60 seconds for read operations

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb', line 83

def initialize(config={}, default=Config::HTTP)
  super(config, default)
  c = @config
  @via = "#{c[:HTTPVersion]} #{c[:ServerName]}:#{c[:Port]}"