
Class: Rake::PackageTask

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, TaskLib
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Rake::TaskLib
Defined in: lib/rake/packagetask.rb


Create a packaging task that will package the project into distributable files (e.g zip archive or tar files).

The PackageTask will create the following targets:


Create all the requested package files.


Delete all the package files. This target is automatically added to the main clobber target.


Rebuild the package files from scratch, even if they are not out of date.


Create a gzipped tar package (if need_tar is true).


Create a gzipped tar package (if need_tar_gz is true).


Create a bzip2'd tar package (if need_tar_bz2 is true).


Create a zip package archive (if need_zip is true).


Rake::PackageTask.new("rake", "1.2.3") do |p|
  p.need_tar = true

Constant Summary

::FileUtils - Included


FileUtilsExt - Included


Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #name rw

    Name of the package (from the GEM Spec).

  • #need_tar rw

    True if a gzipped tar file (tgz) should be produced (default is false).

  • #need_tar_bz2 rw

    True if a bzip2'd tar file (tar.bz2) should be produced (default is false).

  • #need_tar_gz rw

    True if a gzipped tar file (tar.gz) should be produced (default is false).

  • #need_zip rw

    True if a zip file should be produced (default is false).

  • #package_dir rw

    Directory used to store the package files (default is 'pkg').

  • #package_files rw

    List of files to be included in the package.

  • #tar_command rw

    Tar command for gzipped or bzip2ed archives.

  • #version rw

    Version of the package (e.g.

  • #zip_command rw

    Zip command for zipped archives.

Instance Method Summary

DSL - Included


Describes the next rake task.


Declare a set of files tasks to create the given directories on demand.


Declare a file task.


Declare a file creation task.


Import the partial Rakefiles fn.


Declare a task that performs its prerequisites in parallel.


Create a new rake namespace and use it for evaluating the given block.


Declare a rule for auto-tasks.


Declare a basic task.

FileUtilsExt - Included


Get/set the nowrite flag controlling output from the ::FileUtils utilities.


Check that the options do not contain options not listed in optdecl.


Merge the given options with the default values.


Send the message to the default rake output (which is $stderr).


Get/set the verbose flag controlling output from the ::FileUtils utilities.


Use this function to prevent potentially destructive ruby code from running when the :nowrite flag is set.

::FileUtils - Included


Run a Ruby interpreter with the given arguments.


Attempt to do a normal file link, but fall back to a copy if the link fails.


Run the system command cmd.


Split a file path into individual directory names.

Constructor Details

.new(name = nil, version = nil) {|_self| ... } ⇒ PackageTask

Create a Package Task with the given name and version. Use :noversion as the version to build a package without a version or to provide a fully-versioned package name.


  • (_self)

Yield Parameters:

  • _self (PackageTask)

    the object that the method was called on

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 82

def initialize(name=nil, version=nil)
  init(name, version)
  yield self if block_given?
  define unless name.nil?

Instance Attribute Details

#name (rw)

Name of the package (from the GEM Spec).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 46

attr_accessor :name

#need_tar (rw)

True if a gzipped tar file (tgz) should be produced (default is false).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 56

attr_accessor :need_tar

#need_tar_bz2 (rw)

True if a bzip2'd tar file (tar.bz2) should be produced (default is false).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 64

attr_accessor :need_tar_bz2

#need_tar_gz (rw)

True if a gzipped tar file (tar.gz) should be produced (default is false).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 60

attr_accessor :need_tar_gz

#need_zip (rw)

True if a zip file should be produced (default is false)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 67

attr_accessor :need_zip

#package_dir (rw)

Directory used to store the package files (default is 'pkg').

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 52

attr_accessor :package_dir

#package_files (rw)

List of files to be included in the package.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 70

attr_accessor :package_files

#tar_command (rw)

Tar command for gzipped or bzip2ed archives. The default is 'tar'.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 73

attr_accessor :tar_command

#version (rw)

Version of the package (e.g. '1.3.2').

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 49

attr_accessor :version

#zip_command (rw)

Zip command for zipped archives. The default is 'zip'.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 76

attr_accessor :zip_command

Instance Method Details


Create the tasks defined by this task library.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 103

def define
  fail "Version required (or :noversion)" if @version.nil?
  @version = nil if :noversion == @version

  desc "Build all the packages"
  task :package

  desc "Force a rebuild of the package files"
  task :repackage => [:clobber_package, :package]

  desc "Remove package products"
  task :clobber_package do
    rm_r package_dir rescue nil

  task :clobber => [:clobber_package]

    [need_tar, tgz_file, "z"],
    [need_tar_gz, tar_gz_file, "z"],
    [need_tar_bz2, tar_bz2_file, "j"]
  ].each do |(need, file, flag)|
    if need
      task :package => ["#{package_dir}/#{file}"]
      file "#{package_dir}/#{file}" =>
        [package_dir_path] + package_files do
        chdir(package_dir) do
          sh @tar_command, "#{flag}cvf", file, package_name

  if need_zip
    task :package => ["#{package_dir}/#{zip_file}"]
    file "#{package_dir}/#{zip_file}" =>
      [package_dir_path] + package_files do
      chdir(package_dir) do
        sh @zip_command, "-r", zip_file, package_name

  directory package_dir_path => @package_files do
    @package_files.each do |fn|
      f = File.join(package_dir_path, fn)
      fdir = File.dirname(f)
      mkdir_p(fdir) unless File.exist?(fdir)
      if File.directory?(fn)
        rm_f f
        safe_ln(fn, f)

#init(name, version)

Initialization that bypasses the “yield self” and “define” step.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 89

def init(name, version)
  @name = name
  @version = version
  @package_files = Rake::FileList.new
  @package_dir = 'pkg'
  @need_tar = false
  @need_tar_gz = false
  @need_tar_bz2 = false
  @need_zip = false
  @tar_command = 'tar'
  @zip_command = 'zip'


The directory this package will be built in

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 170

def package_dir_path


The name of this package

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 164

def package_name
  @version ? "#{@name}-#{@version}" : @name


The package name with .tar.bz2 added

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 188

def tar_bz2_file


The package name with .tar.gz added

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 182

def tar_gz_file


The package name with .tgz added

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 176

def tgz_file


The package name with .zip added

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/packagetask.rb', line 194

def zip_file