
Class: Rake::Application

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
self, TaskManager
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/rake/application.rb


::Rake main application object. When invoking rake from the command line, a Application object is created and run.

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #terminal_columns rw

    Number of columns on the terminal.

  • #name readonly

    The name of the application (typically 'rake').

  • #original_dir readonly

    The original directory where rake was invoked.

  • #rakefile readonly

    Name of the actual rakefile used.

  • #top_level_tasks readonly

    List of the top level task names (task names from the command line).

TaskManager - Included


Track the last comment made in the Rakefile.


Instance Method Summary

TaskManager - Included


Find a matching task for task_name.


Clear all tasks in this application.


Return the list of scope names currently active in the task manager.


If a rule can be found that matches the task name, enhance the task with the prerequisites and actions from the rule.


Evaluate the block in a nested namespace named #name.


Lookup a task.


Lookup a task, using scope and the scope hints in the task name.


Resolve the arguments for a task/rule.


List of all defined tasks in this application.


List of all the tasks defined in the given scope (and its sub-scopes).


Add a location to the locations field of the given task.


Attempt to create a rule given the list of prerequisites.


Find the location that called into the dsl layer.


Generate an anonymous namespace name.


Return the current description, clearing it in the process.


Lookup the task name.


Make a list of sources from the list of file name extensions / translation procs.


Resolve task arguments for a task or rule when there are no dependencies declared.

Constructor Details


Initialize a Application object.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 46

def initialize
  @name = 'rake'
  @rakefiles = DEFAULT_RAKEFILES.dup
  @rakefile = nil
  @pending_imports = []
  @imported = []
  @loaders = {}
  @default_loader = Rake::DefaultLoader.new
  @original_dir = Dir.pwd
  @top_level_tasks = []
  add_loader('rb', DefaultLoader.new)
  add_loader('rf', DefaultLoader.new)
  add_loader('rake', DefaultLoader.new)
  @tty_output = STDOUT.tty?
  @terminal_columns = ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'].to_i

Instance Attribute Details

#name (readonly)

The name of the application (typically 'rake')

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 24

attr_reader :name

#original_dir (readonly)

The original directory where rake was invoked.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 27

attr_reader :original_dir

#rakefile (readonly)

Name of the actual rakefile used.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 30

attr_reader :rakefile

#terminal_columns (rw)

Number of columns on the terminal

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 33

attr_accessor :terminal_columns

#top_level_tasks (readonly)

List of the top level task names (task names from the command line).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 36

attr_reader :top_level_tasks

Instance Method Details

#add_loader(ext, loader)

Add a loader to handle imported files ending in the extension ext.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 129

def add_loader(ext, loader)
  ext = ".#{ext}" unless ext =~ /^\./
  @loaders[ext] = loader

#init(app_name = 'rake')

Initialize the command line parameters and app name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 83

def init(app_name='rake')
  standard_exception_handling do
    @name = app_name
    args = handle_options


Find the rakefile and then load it and any pending imports.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 92

def load_rakefile
  standard_exception_handling do


Application options from the command line

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 135

def options
  @options ||= OpenStruct.new


Run the ::Rake application. The run method performs the following three steps:

If you wish to build a custom rake command, you should call #init on your application. Then define any tasks. Finally, call #top_level to run your top level tasks.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 74

def run
  standard_exception_handling do


Run the given block with the thread startup and shutdown.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 112

def run_with_threads
  thread_pool.gather_history if options.job_stats == :history


  if options.job_stats
    stats = thread_pool.statistics
    puts "Maximum active threads: #{stats[:max_active_threads]} + main"
    puts "Total threads in play:  #{stats[:total_threads_in_play]} + main"
  ThreadHistoryDisplay.new(thread_pool.history).show if
    options.job_stats == :history


Run the top level tasks of a ::Rake application.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rake/application.rb', line 99

def top_level
  run_with_threads do
    if options.show_tasks
    elsif options.show_prereqs
      top_level_tasks.each { |task_name| invoke_task(task_name) }