
Class: Minitest::SummaryReporter

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
self, AbstractReporter, Mutex_m
Inherits: Minitest::StatisticsReporter
Defined in: lib/minitest.rb


A reporter that prints the header, summary, and failure details at the end of the run.

This is added to the top-level CompositeReporter at the start of the run. If you want to change the output of minitest via a plugin, pull this out of the composite and replace it with your own.

Instance Attribute Summary

AbstractReporter - Inherited


Did this run pass?

Instance Method Summary

AbstractReporter - Inherited


Record a result and output the Runnable#result_code.


Outputs the summary of the run.


Starts reporting on the run.

Instance Method Details


Alias for #aggregated_results.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 577

alias to_s aggregated_results