
Class: Minitest::BenchSpec

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Minitest::Benchmark
Defined in: lib/minitest/benchmark.rb

Constant Summary

Runnable - Inherited


Assertions - Included


Class Attribute Summary

Test - Inherited

Class Method Summary

Spec::DSL - Extended


Define an 'after' action.


Define a 'before' action.


Returns the children of this spec.


Define an expectation with name desc.


Essentially, define an accessor for name with block.


Register a new type of spec that matches the spec's description.


Figure out the spec class to use based on a spec's description.


Another lazy man's accessor generator.

Benchmark - Inherited


Returns a set of ranges stepped exponentially from min to max by powers of base.


Returns a set of ranges stepped linearly from min to max by step.


Specifies the ranges used for benchmarking for that class.

Test - Inherited


Call this at the top of your tests when you absolutely positively need to have ordered tests.


Make diffs for this Test use #pretty_inspect so that diff in assert_equal can have more details.


Call this at the top of your tests when you want to run your tests in parallel.


Returns all instance methods starting with “test_”.

Guard - Extended


Is this running on jruby?


Is this running on maglev?


Is this running on mri?


Is this running on rubinius?


Is this running on windows?

Runnable - Inherited


Returns all instance methods matching the pattern re.


Responsible for running all runnable methods in a given class, each in its own instance.


Each subclass of Runnable is responsible for overriding this method to return all runnable methods.


Returns all subclasses of Runnable.

Instance Attribute Summary

Test - Inherited


The time it took to run this test.


Did this run error?


Did this run pass?


Was this run skipped?

Assertions - Included


Was this testcase skipped? Meant for #teardown.

Runnable - Inherited


Number of assertions executed in this run.


An assertion raised during the run, if any.


Name of the run.


Set the name of the run.


Did this run pass?


Was this run skipped? See #passed? for more information.

Instance Method Summary

Benchmark - Inherited


Runs the given work, gathering the times of each run.


Runs the given work and asserts that the times gathered fit to match a constant rate (eg, linear slope == 0) within a given threshold.


Runs the given work and asserts that the times gathered fit to match a exponential curve within a given error threshold.


Runs the given work and asserts that the times gathered fit to match a straight line within a given error threshold.


Runs the given work and asserts that the times gathered fit to match a logarithmic curve within a given error threshold.


Runs the given work and asserts that the times gathered curve fit to match a power curve within a given error threshold.


Takes an array of x/y pairs and calculates the general R^2 value.


To fit a functional form: y = ae^(bx).


Fits the functional form: a + bx.


To fit a functional form: y = a + b*ln(x).


To fit a functional form: y = ax^b.


Enumerates over enum mapping block if given, returning the sum of the result.


Returns a proc that calls the specified fit method and asserts that the error is within a tolerable threshold.

Test - Inherited


The location identifier of this test.


Returns “.”, “F”, or “E” based on the result of the run.


Runs a single test with setup/teardown hooks.

Guard - Included


Is this running on jruby?


Is this running on maglev?


Is this running on mri?


Is this running on rubinius?


Is this running on windows?

Test::LifecycleHooks - Included


Runs before every test, after setup.


Runs after every test, after teardown.


Runs before every test, before setup.


Runs after every test, before teardown.


Runs before every test.


Runs after every test.

Assertions - Included


Fails unless test is truthy.


Fails unless obj is empty.


Fails unless exp == act printing the difference between the two, if possible.


For comparing Floats.


For comparing Floats.


Fails unless collection includes obj.


Fails unless obj is an instance of cls.


Fails unless obj is a kind of cls.


Fails unless matcher =~ obj.


Fails unless obj is nil.


For testing with binary operators.


Fails if stdout or stderr do not output the expected results.


For testing with predicates.


Fails unless the block raises one of exp.


Fails unless obj responds to meth.


Fails unless exp and act are #equal?


send_ary is a receiver, message and arguments.


Fails if the block outputs anything to stderr or stdout.


Fails unless the block throws sym


Captures $stdout and $stderr into strings:


Captures $stdout and $stderr into strings, using Tempfile to ensure that subprocess IO is captured as well.


Returns a diff between exp and act.


Returns details for exception e


Fails with msg


Returns a proc that will output msg along with the default message.


This returns a human-readable version of obj.


This returns a diff-able human-readable version of obj.


used for counting assertions.


Fails if test is truthy.


Fails if obj is empty.


Fails if exp == act.


For comparing Floats.


For comparing Floats.


Fails if collection includes obj.


Fails if obj is an instance of cls.


Fails if obj is a kind of cls.


Fails if matcher =~ obj.


Fails if obj is nil.


Fails if o1 is not op o2.


For testing with predicates.


Fails if obj responds to the message meth.


Fails if exp is the same (by object identity) as act.


Skips the current run.

Runnable - Inherited


Returns a single character string to print based on the result of the run.


Runs a single method.

Class Method Details

.bench(name, &block)

This is used to define a new benchmark method. You usually don't use this directly and is intended for those needing to write new performance curve fits (eg: you need a specific polynomial fit).

See .bench_performance_linear for an example of how to use this.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest/benchmark.rb', line 356

def self.bench name, &block
  define_method "bench_#{name.gsub(/\W+/, '_')}", &block

.bench_performance_constant(name, threshold = 0.99, &work)

Create a benchmark that verifies that the performance is constant.

describe "my class Bench" do
  bench_performance_constant "zoom_algorithm!" do |n|
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest/benchmark.rb', line 400

def self.bench_performance_constant name, threshold = 0.99, &work
  bench name do
    assert_performance_constant threshold, &work

.bench_performance_exponential(name, threshold = 0.99, &work)

Create a benchmark that verifies that the performance is exponential.

describe "my class Bench" do
  bench_performance_exponential "algorithm" do |n|
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest/benchmark.rb', line 415

def self.bench_performance_exponential name, threshold = 0.99, &work
  bench name do
    assert_performance_exponential threshold, &work

.bench_performance_linear(name, threshold = 0.99, &work)

Create a benchmark that verifies that the performance is linear.

describe "my class Bench" do
  bench_performance_linear "fast_algorithm", 0.9999 do |n|
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest/benchmark.rb', line 385

def self.bench_performance_linear name, threshold = 0.99, &work
  bench name do
    assert_performance_linear threshold, &work


Specifies the ranges used for benchmarking for that class.

bench_range do
  bench_exp(2, 16, 2)

See Minitest::Benchmark#bench_range for more details.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest/benchmark.rb', line 369

def self.bench_range &block
  return super unless block

  meta = (class << self; self; end)
  meta.send :define_method, "bench_range", &block