
Module: IRB::Notifier

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self, Exception2MessageMapper
Defined in: lib/irb/notifier.rb


An output formatter used internally by the lexer.

Class Method Summary

Class Method Details

.def_notifier(prefix = "", output_method = StdioOutputMethod.new) (mod_func)

Define a new Notifier output source, returning a new Notifier::CompositeNotifier with the given prefix and output_method.

The optional prefix will be appended to all objects being inspected during output, using the given output_method as the output source. If no output_method is given, StdioOutputMethod will be used, and all expressions will be sent directly to STDOUT without any additional formatting.

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# File 'lib/irb/notifier.rb', line 32

def def_notifier(prefix = "", output_method = StdioOutputMethod.new)
  CompositeNotifier.new(prefix, output_method)