
Class: IRB::Inspector

Relationships & Source Files
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/irb/inspector.rb


An irb inspector

In order to create your own custom inspector there are two things you should be aware of:

Inspector uses #inspect_value, or inspect_proc, for output of return values.

This also allows for an optional #init+, or init_proc, which is called when the inspector is activated.

Knowing this, you can create a rudimentary inspector as follows:

irb(main):001:0> ins = IRB::Inspector.new(proc{ |v| "omg! #{v}" })
irb(main):001:0> IRB.CurrentContext.inspect_mode = ins # => omg! #<IRB::Inspector:0x007f46f7ba7d28>
irb(main):001:0> "what?" #=> omg! what?

Constant Summary


    Default inspectors available to irb, this includes:


    Using Kernel.pretty_inspect


    Using YAML.dump


    Using Marshal.dump

    # File 'lib/irb/inspector.rb', line 49

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

  • #init

    Proc to call when the inspector is activated, good for requiring dependent libraries.

  • #inspect_value(v)

    Proc to call when the input is evaluated and output in irb.

Constructor Details

.new(inspect_proc, init_proc = nil) ⇒ Inspector

Creates a new inspector object, using the given inspect_proc when output return values in irb.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/irb/inspector.rb', line 88

def initialize(inspect_proc, init_proc = nil)
  @init = init_proc
  @inspect = inspect_proc

Class Method Details

.def_inspector(key, arg = nil, &block)


Inspector.def_inspector(key, init_p=nil){|v| v.inspect}
Inspector.def_inspector([key1,..], init_p=nil){|v| v.inspect}
Inspector.def_inspector(key, inspector)
Inspector.def_inspector([key1,...], inspector)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/irb/inspector.rb', line 63

def self.def_inspector(key, arg=nil, &block)
  if block_given?
    inspector = IRB::Inspector(block, arg)
    inspector = arg

  case key
  when Array
    for k in key
      def_inspector(k, inspector)
  when Symbol
    INSPECTORS[key] = inspector
    INSPECTORS[key.to_s] = inspector
  when String
    INSPECTORS[key] = inspector
    INSPECTORS[key.intern] = inspector
    INSPECTORS[key] = inspector


Determines the inspector to use where inspector is one of the keys passed during inspector definition.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/irb/inspector.rb', line 53

def self.keys_with_inspector(inspector)
  INSPECTORS.select{|k,v| v == inspector}.collect{|k, v| k}

Instance Method Details


Proc to call when the inspector is activated, good for requiring dependent libraries.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/irb/inspector.rb', line 95

def init
  @init.call if @init


Proc to call when the input is evaluated and output in irb.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/irb/inspector.rb', line 100

def inspect_value(v)